You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, while you are attuned to this weapon, your Hit Point maximum increases by 1 for each level you have attained.
Curse. This weapon is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the weapon, keeping it within reach at all times. You also have Disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons other than this one.
Whenever another creature damages you while the weapon is in your possession, you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or go berserk. This berserk state ends when you start your turn and there are no creatures within 60 feet of you that you can see or hear.
While berserk, you regard the creature nearest to you that you can see or hear as your enemy. If there are multiple possible creatures, choose one at random. On each of your turns, you must move as close to the creature as possible and take the Attack action, targeting the creature. If you’re unable to get close enough to the creature to attack it with the weapon, your turn ends after you’ve used up all your available movement. If the creature dies or can no longer be seen or heard by you, the next nearest creature that you can see or hear becomes your new target.
Applicable Weapons:
Name | Type | Damage | Properties |
Handaxe | Simple Melee | 1d6 Slashing | Light, thrown (20/60) |
Battleaxe | Martial Melee | 1d8 Slashing | Versatile (1d10) |
Greataxe | Martial Melee | 1d12 Slashing | Heavy, two-handed |
Halberd | Martial Melee | 1d10 Slashing | Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed |
Notes: Bonus: Magic, Bonus: Hit Points per Level, Combat, Cursed, Versatile, Topple
This is so badass!
I've been trying to find this for my Dragonborn barbarian 🐲 for months now. DMs have not been compliment
This axe has such good synergy for a Blood Hunter of the Order of the Lycan. The additional hit point per level is perfect for counteracting the damage caused by their Crimson Rite. Even the curse of the Berserker works well with the Lycan's bloodlust feature since they already have to make a WIS save when they take damage or else attack someone closest to them.
For all of you considering to use it for your barbarian, keep a few things in mind.
This is not for doing damage. The berserker axe is there to increase your hp, which is only really worth the curse at later levels.
If you want your barbarian to have and use this axe, you absolutely need wisdom so you can succeed that save throw, unless your allies know to stay away from you.
It is, however not without it's benefits. We're running a 5e campaign, and we've gone from level 1 to level 12 now. I rolled up an Ancestral Guardian, (and due to our dm's insistence on rolling for stats) i wound up with 20 con. This is where the tanking comes into play. When you pick up Tough, (adds hp equal to twice your level) in addition to taking this weapon with an average hit die roll of 7 and an additional 5 per level due to con, you have 15 health a level past 1. Even if you don't do stat rolling, managing to get con up to that point is entirely worth it.
If you happen to have someone who can remove the curse, go crazy though, after all, you're gonna have a very hard time dying.
Just, not too crazy.
This but a zealot
Folks, not sure that it's 100% clear how this works, but it's cursed, not enchanted. It doesn't cause you to attack the nearest FOE, it causes you to attack the nearest CREATURE. That means your own party get it in the neck if they happen to be closer than the bad guys!
I just picked this up for my Kalashtar Warlock...not too bad of a combo with my Dual Mind feature and I'm making it my pact weapon so my DM let me buff my health by a lot! I still have kinda low AC we'll see how long I really live. Haha.
Logged in, added to character, selected the axe, attuned to the axe, confirmed in equipment tab on character sheet that axe was indeed attuned, HP did not automatically adjust for me on that character. Maybe it's because that character has the Tough feat? Maybe it's because that character has maxed his Con as a Barbarian AND read a manual of bodily health on top of that?
I mean this is pretty much the healthiest character alive and this axe provided no HP bonus. Kinda sucks. I'm sure it's just an oversight.
This is the only axe I can get that I don't need to have a purchased book in order to have. I love D & D so much.
Yes, this is correct. I dont think people understand the cursed nature of the weapon. You fail your dave and you will attack everything around you until you or them are dead. You don't get multiple saves. So your party will be under attack unless they have remove curse a d can figure out what happened
"You also have disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons other than this one"... Does this mean with spiritual weapon?
I would say no. Spiritual weapon have you make a melee spell attack, not weapon attack. So in game mechanic terms, it's a spell not a weapon. But then again, the point of the curse is to force you to use the axe and nothing but the axe while in combat. So it all comes down to what your DM thinks about it.
The axe will increase your HP, but it will also cause disadvantage on attacks with any other weapon while you're affected by the curse, so I'm not sure the pros outweigh the cons. Also, remove curse doesn't remove the curse from the weapon, it will remove the attunement to the weapon, but it stays cursed. Here's the Remove Curse description:
Also worth noting, going berserk on a failed save happens as long as the axe is in your possession, even if you're not wielding it:
I hate when I fail my dave. He's such a solid guy, I hate to let him down.
This sounds awesome just for the RP value. Curse and all.
OK so what if you pick it up and your DM states you pick up this and it automatically attunes to you. How do you break this curse?
leave that table cuz that DM's a dick
really cool :)
This is a great way to nerfe your overpowered barbarian, I gave this to my players and they hate me for that because the barbarian was always the strongst enemy. :D I love those guys
Not sure if there is a more appropriate place for this question, but I'll try it here:
Are curses are a type of charm?
If my Dark Elf Barbarian/Ranger, who has advantage against being charmed, got a Berserker weapon (or any cursed weapon really), would she have advantage on her Wisdom saving throws?
Generally speaking, if an effect is a charming effect in nature, then it would say so in the description (Example: Otto's Irresistible Dance. It doesn't specifically charm a creature, but it states that creatures immune to being charmed are not affected by the spell. To get advantage on a WIS save against this, you'd need advantage against general magical effects like the legacy yuan-ti has.