Weapon (any sword), legendary (requires attunement)
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. While the sword is on your person, you also gain a +1 bonus to saving throws.
Luck. If the sword is on your person, you can call on its luck (no action required) to reroll one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw you dislike. You must use the second roll. This property can't be used again until the next dawn.
Wish. The sword has 1d4–1 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 charge and cast the wish spell from it. This property can't be used again until the next dawn. The sword loses this property if it has no charges.
Applicable Weapons:
Name | Type | Damage | Properties |
Greatsword | Martial Melee | 2d6 slashing | Heavy, two-handed |
Longsword | Martial Melee | 1d8 slashing | Versatile (1d10) |
Rapier | Martial Melee | 1d8 piercing | Finesse |
Scimitar | Martial Melee | 1d6 slashing | Finesse, light |
Shortsword | Martial Melee | 1d6 piercing | Finesse, light |
Notes: Bonus: Saving Throws, Bonus: Magic, Damage, Control, Buff, Combat
Here me out; the “Inheritor” background has the option for inheriting a trinket from whoever your precursor is (family member, mentor, etc...)
One of the trinkets can be the hilt of a broken sword.
Maybe the person you’re inheriting from was an adventurer, who met their demise at some point, and left you this sword, albeit in a broken state.
Perhaps the luck of the weapon failed them, which is how it became broken.
Your character could receive this broken blade and, should they choose to attune to it, maybe they receive the +1 to attacks or +1 to saving throws (or both. DM discretion).
If on the course of the adventure they discover the other half of the broken sword; maybe they can re-forge it (with the aid of a powerful blacksmith or Forge Cleric).
At that point, it becomes the fully-fledged Luck Blade.
One of those “rewards” for sticking with something from the start-to-finish of a campaign...good opportunity for story-building, too.
Why craft a Luck Blade if you have 17+ levels in Wizard? Just cast Wish
If I was your DM, those luck blades would appear immediately, simultaneously, moving towards you at great speed!
I need help I have got this magic item and I'm not sure on how to use the wish please help
I broke my young DM when he had to give me this. We were fighting a sand worm and i threw a bean from my bag of beans and rolled a mummies lords tomb. We killed the mummy lord no problem and the DM who was the son of our regular DM who would have to be away a month at a time for work, rolled for loot and i saw him facepalm and then looked at me and told me I was the luckiest player ever and then gave my drunken master monk one of these swords with 3 wishes. I was nice enough to not use any wishes but it was fun knowing I could break the game at anytime
congrats, now you can only punch once on each of your turns
Boom, you suddenly turn into a manga. Roll a new character.
I was wondering why the weapons have a certain roll but sometimes, others don’t so you don’t know what die to roll. I’m a bit of a DnD noob
It should be 1d4-1 minimum 1, in my opinion - just to say that it can be 1 - 3 charges. The sword being found with 0 charges is just a huge letdown to give by a DM.
This sword seems like a fun concept, just a luck point die but you get a decent weapon
The fact that it can cast wish is what makes it stupid