Armor (shield), uncommon
While holding this Shield, you have Advantage on Initiative rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks. The Shield is emblazoned with a symbol of an eye.
Shields require the Utilize action to Don or Doff. You gain the Armor Class benefit of a Shield only if you have training with it.
Notes: Advantage: Initiative, Advantage: Perception, Bonus: Passive Perception, Detection, Warding
In the Notes (Bonus: Passive Perception, Detection, Warding) and in the Character Sheet on the site, when wielded, this shield modifies my Passive Perception by +5, but it does not mention that effect in the description.
Also, what do the notes for Detection and Warding refer to if the notes also say Advantage Initiative and Advantage Perception?
Or are those just supposed to be tags to find the gear?
Also getting a plus 5 to passive perception this does not seem right. Even if you took the average roll of 2d20 drop lowest(13.8...) I would be at 20 and not 21
NvmI found it
that creature's passive Wisdom (Perception) score, which equals 10 + the creature's Wisdom modifier, as well as any other bonuses or penalties. If the creature has advantage, add 5. For disadvantage, subtract 5."
where is that quote from? you did not list a source.
Players handbook chapter 7 ability checks has a section on passive checks.
I found it (or rather one of our other players did) and it makes sense now.
one problem, my character has Sunlight Sensativity as a Duergar. Currently the Character sheet has no way to register that other than to use one of the over ride stat features recently implemented.
Suggestion for future Character sheet background maths would be to add a Day(Bright)/Night(Dark) button that would toggle verious mechanics such as that into the items, spells and attributes that it would affect.
So if the bonus applies "while holding" not while "equipped" then I can just have the shield, strap it on my back, and get the advantage on initiative and Perception?
Having it on your back counts as "carrying." It needs to be in hand to count as "while holding."
The +5 is a consideration for the advantage on perception checks. Generally speaking, having advantage is considered to be equivalent to having a +5 bonus on whatever check has it. So your passive checks take that into account instead of having you roll twice on something you don't even roll for.
The Detection/Warding notes/tags are just there to let you know loosely what kind of magical item it is as well as helping you find it in the catalog on the site.
The shield as it is created in DDB gives and extra bonus that isn't supposed to be there. if provides an additional +5 to perception. The description in the DMG page 199 clearly says it grants advantage to perception and initiative an not and additional +5 to perception.
As a few others have stated, having advantage on any check gives you a +5 bonus to its passive. It's applying a general rule that the item gives, and in situations where you would not be holding a shield or have disadvantage over a long period of time, it's simple enough to subtract 5.
I made this item available to my players to kind of have a magic shield option without an AC buff but didnt realize it came with a passive perception buff.
If you make this shield available to the players be prepared for them to never be surprised again.
yeah not sure why it's doing it like that
Hello there, i'd like to report an error:
When equipping a character with both the ''sentinel shield'' and the ''watchful helm'' and after attuning to the helm, the passive perception buff of +5 from advantage, is added twice.
whoever programmed those items set both items to raise passive perception by +5. Rather than doing the proper operation of understanding that both items give advantage to perception checks, thereby understanding that only the advantage itself is giving the +5 to passive perception, they just hardcoded the benefit to both items.
can there please be a universal value of advantage that can be set to specific instances, whereby if there are two or more separate instances of said advantage, the +5 is taken from the advantage condition itself rather than a cumulative advantage, that does not exist by the standard rule set.
also, the ''robe of eyes'' has yet to be corrected, as adding and attuning to it STILL does not give a +5 to passive perception, even though the item gives advantage to perception checks based on sight.
Robe of Eyes is correct, no? It's only your sight-based passive perception that should get +5, not all your passive perception checks.
After playing a character with this item for quite a long campaign, I would say be very careful handing this out to anyone with a good initiative or perception score. It has provided a huge benefit to my character, beyond what an uncommon item probably should.