Potion, varies

A magical vial of dust. The crystal vial's contents glow, the color seems to be basted on the gender and type of pixie the dust comes from. A pixie's wings are very fragile and prone to taking damage, so they are shed monthly and regrow quickly. They are then crushed to a fine, fine, powder and can be used as a focus for many types of spells or magic items such as Dust of DisappearancePotion of Invisibility and Potion of Flying.  Each set of pixie wings can produce up to 2d4 pinches (doses) of dust.

May be used as an arcane focus. A sorcerer, warlock, or wizard can use a vial of pixie dust as a spellcasting focus, as described in the Spellcasting section.

Though not recommended if used uncut as a drug or poison, pixie dust is very potent. 

If inhaled: When inhaled, it acts almost like a drug, allowing the user to feel weightless, worry-less, and Fly.  (No concentration required). Wis save DC13 or the user will just hover 5 feet above the ground for 10 minutes. 

If Ingested: Pixie dust makes anything taste AMAZING, it does not make everything edible however, (a rock is still a rock) but it does remove the poisonous properties of the material, therefore a poisonous mushroom may become edible it also effectively casts the spell Detect Magic around yourself. (No concentration required).

If Injected: Not possible but is sprinkled on a wound it knits the wound and any surrounding flesh together. also nullifying any poison (such as from a snakebite). Caution should be taken as it knits and binds ANY flesh together which can lead to complications if pressed onto the wound with a hand and not sprinkled.

Overdose: If more than one dose is taken in a 24-hour period, the user takes 2d6 points of psychic damage. Using it more than three times in any 24-hour period deals 4d6 points of psychic damage and paralyzes the user for 2d4 hours.

