Wand, common

This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges and choose a point in space within 60 feet of you. Roll a 2d12 and consult the following table to discover which sound is created at that location. Duration is 1 minute unless otherwise specified.

The wand regains 1d6+1 charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, rol a d20. On a 1, the wand lets out a dying gasp and crumbles to dust.

Wondrous Sounds

2d12 Sound Duration
2 DM's choice (or a crying baby) -
3 A barking or growling dog -
4 A chirping bird -
5 Rain or a waterfall -
6 A meowing cat -
7 A trotting horse -
8 A creaking floorboard or footsteps -
9 Ominous whispers -
10 Wind -
11 A giggling or laughing male or female -
12 Lovers kissing -
13 A cackling hag or other sinister laugh -
14 A howling wolf -
15 A hooting owl -
16 War drums -
17 An upbeat (50%) or sad (50%) tune -
18 A hissing or rattling snake -
19 A whistle call Instantaneous
20 A door slam Instantaneous
21 A shattering object Instantaneous
22 A voice that shouts: "Here!" Instantaneous
23 The last sentence wielder spoke Instantaneous
24 Thunderclap: each creature within 5 feet of the chosen point in space takes 1 thunder damage. On a successful DC 10 Constitution save, a creature takes no damage. Instantaneous


Notes: Utility, Deception

Item Tags: Utility Deception
