You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, which has no string. Each time you pull your arm back in a firing motion, a magical arrow made of golden energy appears nocked and ready to fire. An arrow produced by this weapon deals Force damage instead of Piercing damage on a hit, and it disappears after it hits or misses its target. Until it disappears, the arrow emits Bright Light in a 20-foot radius and Dim Light for an additional 20 feet.
This weapon has the following additional properties.
Arrow of Restraint. Whenever you use this weapon to make a ranged attack against a creature, you can try to restrain the target instead of dealing damage to it. If the arrow hits, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or have the Restrained condition for 1 minute. As an action, a creature Restrained by an arrow can make a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check to try to break the restraint, ending the effect on itself on a successful check.
Arrow of Transport. As a Magic action, you can fire one energy arrow from this weapon at a target you can see within 60 feet of yourself. The target can be either a willing Medium or smaller creature or an object that isn’t being worn or carried, provided the object is small enough to fit inside a 5-foot Cube. The arrow teleports the target to an unoccupied space you can see within 10 feet of you.
Energy Ladder. As a Magic action, you can loose a flurry of energy arrows from this weapon at a wall up to 60 feet away from yourself. The arrows become glowing rungs that stick out of the wall, forming a magical ladder up to 60 feet long on the wall. This ladder lasts for 1 minute before disappearing.
Notes: Bonus: Magic, Replace Damage Type: Force
Finally a new magic bow!!
It's not very clear how I'd add this homebrew to a character sheet in D&D Beyond. Can't seem to search for it in the inventory, and the character I am using has homebrew enabled.
Turn on Expanded Rules and make sure you claimed the adventure, it will be listed as Energy Longbow and Energy Shortbow.
Thanks. I was able to eventually get it. Somehow I was viewing the source, but my claim license hadn't fully gone through yet. I ended up re-clicking claim again and now I am able to add it properly. So weird!
Wait is the Dungeons and Dragons the Cartoon series and Hanks Bow LOL
Amazing !!!
Why the heck is this not available as an item already with the prebuilt characters for the Uni and the Hunt for the Horn campaign? I actually have to homebrew this stupid thing in order for my players to have it on VTT.
I find it interesting that it produces arrows that emit light, but infers that they immediately dissapear after being fired. Especially since you can make an infinite number of glowing ladders that last a minute.