New or Updated Forum Threads

Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Dark Souls: Tome of Journeys -Official 5e Campaign- 0 11
I'm looking for some old blog posts 0 7
Curse of Strahd - Sunday 6PM CST 0 17
Extremely new player looking for a campaign! 0 23
Content sharing not actually sharing 1 10
Sorcerer 2024, Background Acolyte, Feat Magic Initiate (1 Viewing) 3 17
[BUG] Lord of the Rings 5e Fillable PDF - Duplicates weapon entries. 0 5
How do I turn trident into a glaive but add throwing and piercing damage? 0 2
Looking for a Game! 3 52
Multiclassing the Alchemist (1 Viewing) 4 20
Encounter Builder not deleting blank encounters? 1 6
Level 5 Nature Cleric cant learn second 3rd level spell 1 8
Ghosts of Saltmarsh - Burle Query 1 14
looking for DM and Group (2 Viewing) 1 39
Epic Boon: Fortified Wishes 1 7