New or Updated Forum Threads

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Has Anyone Else Noticed Find Steed is a Trap? 37 1,069
Buffing martials so they actually feel like tanks protecting the squishes (1 Viewing) 10 1,066
Join this to make characters with stuff I bought! 134 1,035
Humanities Worst, Alternate. 280 1,003
Into The Mist 215 981
Lost Mines of Phandelver 2014 rules 285 955
Game Log starts at the top 32 888
The Shade Over Runewarren 142 879
Crit Cats - Join the clowder on Twitch and Discord today! 190 867
Ibahalii Vriwhulth, the Reaper of Glory OOC Thread (PbP) 238 823
Tomb of Annihilation - Androsofthewoods 186 795
In the Shadow of the Dread Tyrant 131 784
Competition of the Finest 'Brews XXV 82 751
ASSASSINATE The One Above 221 745
why am I being Charged $40 20 729