Share Your Dice Results with the Brand New Game Log!
We’re excited to announce that D&D Beyond users (desktop AND mobile app) can now share their dice roll results with other players in their campaigns. Celebrate your high rolls in real time with your friends, even if you aren’t in the same room!
Within the Game Log, you’ll see what action you or your campaign members rolled, the result of the roll plus any modifiers, and a visual of the dice set used to roll. That’s right – you can now let your party members see your character’s personality roll through with the dice set you’ve enabled!
You can find the Game Log on the character sheet of a character that’s in a campaign, on a campaign’s main page, and within Encounters.
Dice Sale + Free Dice Set for Subscribers
To celebrate this new feature and to help you build your digital dice collection to show off in the Game Log, we have a few dice offers this month.
All current D&D Beyond subscribers and all new subscribers through the end of February automatically unlock an exclusive new animated set of digital dice inspired by the horror-mystery adventure book released in 2020, Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden. As a subscriber, head to your My Dice page to select your Everlasting Rime dice and add a wintry chill to your rolls. If you aren’t a subscriber, subscribe now to unlock these cool dice.
We’re also offering $5 off two of our premium dice sets, the Mythic and Archmage’s Favor digital dice sets, through February 15, 2021. With unique sound effects and critical hit animations, these dice are sure to add magical flair to your character’s actions.
For additional info on how to share your dice results on D&D Beyond, learn more here. Sharing dice results is just the start. Keep an eye out down the road for more new features on the Game Log!
Yeah, I saw that. It really helps. Thanks!
Every day we move closer to a DnDBeyond VTT
5th. They really need to get a new lead writer. WE WANT ARTICLES!
7th. When will the new dice set be live? Not seeing it in my collection, yet.
I'm a subscriber but I'm not seeing the new dice set in my dice collection.
The game log could eliminate cheating rolls.
Great work guys. I think one of the best parts of Beyond is the constant community updates. I especially look forward to the dev streams to see what features you guys are cooking up. Loving it...keep it up.
Signing out then back in fixed the issue for me. Hope this helps. Cheers!
can't see the dice set, even though I'm a subscriber.
also it would be nice addition to the gamelog, If someone presses the "cast" button on a spell that it would show up in the log like "PlayerA has cast [Fireball]" with a link inserted to look up the spell easier if needed.
Great job, guys! This makes die rolling a truly functional feature now! Keeping my fingers crossed for Discord/Avrae support! (That's where my socially distanced group now plays!)
This feature wasn't really ready for prime time. Too slow, no DM rolls, no hidden rolls, etc.
Same. I don't see the dice at all.
maybe its later on in the month i think thats how its worded
Yes. Signing out and then back in made the dice show up. Thank you!
Not seeing the new Everlasting Rime dice on 'my dice' page :(
Where are the hidden rolls options for DMs?
I was having same issue. Thanks for posting solution to fixing the issue!
Also same, no Rime dice