The Griffon’s Saddlebag Book Two
A treasure trove of hundreds of new magic items and more for the 5th edition of the world’s greatest roleplaying game
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Part 1: Magic Items
- Item Index
- Random Treasure Tables
- Magic Items (A-B)
- Magic Items (C-D)
- Magic Items (E-G)
- Magic Items (H-L)
- Magic Items (M-P)
- Magic Items (Q-R)
- Magic Items (S)
- Magic Items (T-Z)
- Magic Items (Artifacts)
- Arista, Wand of the Spire
- Hatred, the Wrathful Edge
- Morath, Scepter of the Soul Vortex
- Nimbus, First Staff of the Thunderbirds
- Silverwind, the Cleansing Breeze
- The Griffon’s Saddlebag
Part 2: Character Options
- Species
- Etherean
- Geleton
- Subclasses
- Barbarian: Path of the Infernal
- Bard: College of Mercantile
- Cleric: Festus Domain
- Druid: Circle of Dragons
- Fighter: Steel Hawk
- Monk: Way of the Aether
- Paladin: Oath of the Spelldrinker
- Ranger: Rocborne
- Rogue: Grim Surgeon
- Sorcerer: Desert Soul
- Warlock: The Many
- Wizard: Wand Lore
Part 3: Setting Options
- Antronec, the City of Artisans
- Ambient Mood
- Origin & History
- Artisan Guilds
- Adventuring Agencies
- Exploration
- Adventure Hooks
- Example Treasure
- The Bloodmire
- Ambient Mood
- Diseased Swamp
- The Crimson Legion
- Exploration
- Settlements
- Ruins and Dungeons
- Example Treasure
- Crest City
- Ambient Mood
- Hidden Origins
- Royalty
- The Circle of Dragons
- City Denizens
- Exploration
- Making Custom Druid NPCs
- Example Treasure
- Durheim Monastery
- Ambient Mood
- Origin & History
- Durheim Order
- Exploration
- Adventure Hooks
- Making Custom Durheim NPCS
- Example Treasure
- Feasts, Festivals, and Taverns
- Ambient Mood
- Taverns and Festivals
- Games and Contests
- Tavern and Festival NPCs
- Drunkenness Level
- Adventure Hooks
- Example Treasure
- Scavengers’ Smorgasbord
- Grymclover Forests
- Ambient Mood
- Grymclover Corruption
- Wilderness Exploration
- Ruins and Dungeons
- Settlements
- Example Treasure
- Heavensteppe
- Ambient Mood
- Expeditionary Origin
- Plutocratic Governance
- Economics
- Vallahir Shrine
- Steel Hawks
- Exploration
- Heavensteppe Adventure Hooks
- Heavensteppe Defense
- Example Treasure
- The H’rethi Desert
- Atmosphere
- Roving Bandits and Beasts
- Spiritual Connection
- The Desert Spire
- Example Treasure
- The Infinite Animarum
- Ambient Mood
- The Thousand Voices, Supreme Soul Vortex
- Origin and History
- Operative Tactics
- Corruptive Influence
- Past Ruins
- Example Infinite Animarum Sects
- Example Infinite Animarum NPCs
- Example Treasure
- The Magmarath Caldera
- Ambient Mood
- Origin and Governance
- Legal Ramifications
- Exploration
- Adventure Hooks
- Example Treasure
- Mysteries of the Border Ethereal
- Life on the Ethereal
- Experiencing the Border Ethereal
- The Ethereans
- Etherean Settlements
- Adventure Hooks
- Example Treasure
- Orostead
- Ambient Mood
- Origin & History
- The Spire of Aristaeus, Peak of Reason
- Governance
- Exploration
- Owlbear Adventuring Guild
- Example Treasure
- The Rocborne
- Ambient Mood
- Societal Balance
- Rocborne Ancestors
- Landing Sites
- Example Adventure Hooks
- Example Airborne Encounters
- Making Custom Rocborne NPCS
- Example Treasure
- The Upheaval, a War Against Magic
- Ambient Mood
- Splinter Sect
- The Upheaval
- The Mage Realm
- The Justicars Today
- Operations & Tactics
- Example Treasure
- Upheaval Adventure Hooks
- Making Custom Justicar NPCs
Part 4: Stat Block Appendices
- Appendix A: Antronec Stat Blocks
- Appenix B: Bloodmire Stat Blocks
- Appendix C: Crest City Stat Blocks
- Appendix D: Durheim Stat Blocks
- Appendix E: Feasts Stat Blocks
- Appendix F: Grymclover Forests Stat Blocks
- Appendix G: Heavensteppe Stat Blocks
- Appendix H: H’rethi Stat Blocks
- Appendix I: Infinite Animarum Stat Blocks
- Appendix J: Magmarath Stat Blocks
- Appendix K: Ethereal Stat Blocks
- Appendix L: Orostead Stat Blocks
- Appendix M: Rocborne Stat Blocks
- Appendix N: Upheaval Stat Blocks
Final Thoughts
Stat Block Index
- Ale Elemental
- Alceton
- Analeptic Lizard
- Antlions
- Giant Antlion Hatchling
- Juvenile Giant Antlion
- Adult Giant Antlion
- Aqualisk
- Archer Flower
- Bardic Merchant
- Bloodmire Treant
- Bramble Creeper
- Brimstone Drake
- Butcher Dray, Three-Headed Ettin
- Cartographer’s Agent
- Cerberus Pup
- Cloverback Toad
- Circle of Dragons Druid
- Crest City Druid (Wyrmling)
- Crest City Druid (Youth)
- Crimson Legion Imp
- Cyglops
- Death Coach
- Desert Cat
- Durheim Initiate
- Durheim Guide
- Durheim Leader
- Dyra
- Dyra Juggernaut
- Etherean Trickster
- Ether Fish
- Festus Battlechef
- Fleshcrafter
- Flintclaw
- Geleton Adventurer
- Ghost Dragon
- Giant Blood Eel
- Giant Horned Snake
- Giant Mosquito
- Giant Spider Rat
- Giant Spore Lizard
- Grihoo, the Superhydra
- Grymhare
- Grym-Mage Tyrannosaur
- Hammerhead Ether-Eel
- Haunted Reflection
- Hawkren Bloodstone
- H’rethi, Soul of the Desert
- Infinite Animarum Leader
- Iron Maw Barbarian
- Iron Maw Gladiator
- Justice
- Kiir
- Lady Feluciana, Legendary Medusa Sorceress
- Lava Wurm
- Elder Lava Wurm
- Lightning Panther
- Lothrem
- Mage-Arbiter
- Magebreaker
- Malfuriel the Betrayer
- Merchant Lord
- Mimic Keg
- Ochre Elson, Animarum Maestro
- Ogden Fellweaver
- Pegasus Knight
- Pegasus Knight, exalted
- Psybird
- Purple Jam
- Refuse Golem
- Rocborne Chief
- Rot Monster
- Sand Lizard
- Sand Spider
- Sanguinor
- Scarapit
- Seed Coins
- Seed Coin
- Seed Coin Pollinator
- Germination Stall
- Skywhale
- Slumber Phantom
- Spire Scholar
- Spire Student
- Steel Hawk Captain
- Steel Hawk Soldier
- Storm Spirit
- Swarm of Giant Mosquitoes
- Swarm of Rain Hornets
- Swarm of Scorned Familiars
- The Thousand Voices, Supreme Soul Vortex
- The Wild Hunt
- Thunderbird
- Tipsy
- Vaanor, Primeval Cerberus
- Vincent Von Dreck
- Wyvernfly