Clash with the gods of Theros in this campaign sourcebook for the world’s greatest roleplaying game
Welcome to Theros
Ch. 1: Character Creation
- Heroic Drive
- Supernatural Gifts
- Races
- Human | Centaur | Leonin | Minotaur | Satyr | Triton
- Subclass Options
- Bard: College of Eloquence
- Paladin: Oath of Glory
- Background
Ch. 2: Gods of Theros
- Divine Characteristics
- Worship
- Clerics and Champions
- Piety
- Athreos
- Ephara
- Erebos
- Heliod
- Iroas
- Karametra
- Keranos
- Klothys
- Kruphix
- Mogis
- Nylea
- Pharika
- Phenax
- Purphoros
- Thassa
Ch. 3: Realms of Gods and Mortals
- The Mortal Realm
- Akros
- Meletis
- Setessa
- Oreskos
- Phoberos and Skophos
- Realms of the Returned
- The Siren Sea
- Skola Vale
- The Katachthon Mountains
- The Oraniad Mountains
- Realms of the Gods
Ch. 4: Creating Theros Adventures
- God-Based Adventures
- Divine Assistance
- Athreos
- Ephara
- Erebos
- Heliod
- Iroas
- Karametra
- Keranos
- Klothys
- Kruphix
- Mogis
- Nylea
- Pharika
- Phenax
- Purphoros
- Thassa
- Nautical Adventures
- Sailing the Sea
- Mystical Islands
- Underwater Adventures
- Underworld Adventures
- Living Descent
- Deathly Interludes
- Journey into Death
- Denizens of the Underworld
- Paths of Escape
- Beyond Death
- Adventure: No Silent Secret
Ch. 5: Treasures
Ch. 6: Friends and Foes
- Nyxborn Creatures
- Classic Monsters
- Bestiary
- Amphisbaena
- Anvilwroughts
- Archons
- Cerberi
- Chimera
- Colossus of Akros
- Demons of Theros
- Eidolons
- Fleecemane Lion
- Giants
- Harpies
- Hippocamp
- Hoplites
- Hydras
- Leonin
- Nyx-Fleece Ram
- Nymphs
- Oracle
- Phylaskia
- Returned
- Satyr
- Triton
- Typhon
- Woe Strider
- Mythic Monsters
- The World of Theros
- 4.1: Underworld Crossing
- 4.2: Agora
- 4.3: Graveyard
- 4.4: Sun Temple
- 4.5: Arena
- 4.6: Arbor Watchtower
- 4.7: Oracular Conflux
- 4.8: Abandoned Temple
- 4.9: Temple of Mystery
- 4.10: Canyon Shrine
- 4.11: Forest Shrine
- 4.12: Healing Pools
- 4.13: Amphitheater
- 4.14: Volcano Temple
- 4.15: Coastal Temple
- 4.16: Court of Orestes