Tal’dorei Campaign Setting: Reborn
The definitive sourcebook for bringing the locations, people, creatures, and character options of Critical Role’s Tal’Dorei continent to roleplaying games everywhere.
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Ch. 1: Welcome to Tal’Dorei
- Lands of Tal’Dorei
- What’s in This Book?
- Calendar, Time, and the Cosmos
- A History of Tal’Dorei
- Running a Tal’Dorei Campaign
Ch. 2: Allegiances of Tal’Dorei
- Pantheon of Exandria
- Prime Deities
- Betrayer Gods
- Lesser Idols
- Factions and Societies
- Tal’Dorei Council
- Arcana Pansophical
- The Ashari
- Brawler’s League
- Chamber of Whitestone
- Claret Orders
- The Clasp
- Golden Grin
- Houses of Kraghammer
- League of Miracles
- Library of the Cobalt Soul
- The Myriad
- The Remnants
- Wardens of Syngorn
Ch. 3: Tal’Dorei Gazetteer
- Lucidian Coast
- Alabaster Sierras
- Dividing Plains
- Cliffkeep Mountains
- Stormcrest Mountains
- Rifenmist Peninsula
- Verdant Expanse
- Bladeshimmer Shoreline
- Other Lands of Exandria
Ch. 4: Character Options
- Playing in a Tal’Dorei Campaign
- Races and Cultures
- Dragonblood
- Dwarves
- Elemental Ancestry
- Elves
- Firbolgs
- Gnomes
- Goblinkin
- Half-Giants
- Halflings
- Humans
- Orcs
- Tieflings
- Mixed Ancestry
- Other Races
- Hemocraft
- Subclasses
- Barbarian
- Bard
- Cleric
- Druid
- Monk
- Paladin
- Sorcerer
- Wizard
- Backgrounds
- Ashari
- Clasp Member
- Lyceum Scholar
- Reformed Cultist
- Whitestone Rifle Corps
- Supernatural Blessing: Fate-Touched
- New Feats
Ch. 5: Game Master’s Toolkit
- Creating Adventures
- Tal’Dorei Treasures
- Magic Items
- Tools of the Ashari
- Vestiges of Divergence
- Optional Campaign Rules
Ch. 6: Allies and Adversaries of Tal’Dorei
- Nonplayer Creatures
- See below
Allies and Adversaries
- Adranachs
- Adranach
- Master Adranach
- Ashari
- Ashari Firetamer
- Ashari Skydancer
- Ashari Stoneguard
- Ashari Waverider
- Cinderslag Elemental
- Clasp Operatives
- Clasp Cutthroat
- Clasp Enforcer
- Cold Snap Spirit
- Cyclops Stormcaller
- Demonfeed Spiders
- Demonfeed Spider
- Demonfeed Spiderling
- Ember Roc
- Golems
- Cobalt Golem
- Forge Guardian
- Mage Hunter Golem
- Platinum Golem
- Jourrael, the Caedogeist
- Kraghammer Goat-Knight
- Goat-Knight Steeds
- Magma Landshark
- Young Magma Landshark
- Plainscow
- Ravagers
- Ravager Slaughter Lord
- Ravager Stabby-Stabber
- Remnants
- Remnant Chosen
- Remnant Cultist
- Rivermaw Warriors
- Rivermaw Brawler
- Rivermaw Stormborn
- Skeletons
- Centaur Skeleton
- Flaming Skeleton
- Vos’skyriss Serpentfolk
- Vos’skyriss Serpentfolk Ghost
- Wraithroot Tree
- Vox Machina
- Grog Strongjaw
- Keyleth, Voice of the Tempest
- Percival de Rolo
- Vex’ahlia de Rolo
- Trinket
- Pike Trickfoot
- Scanlan Shorthalt
- Taryon Darrington
- Doty X
- Champion of Ravens