Casting Time
1 Minute Ritual
Unlimited 30 ft
V, S
Communication (...)

You wager your life in an attempt to establish contact with another creature. Your body becomes a motionless shadowy form, appearing as a dark, ethereal silhouette of yourself as you create an invisible, extradimensional demiplane around you that extends 30 feet in every direction, while simultaneously summoning a creature of your choice there.

When you cast the spell, you choose a creature you have seen before or are reasonably familiar with that knows at least one language, and they are astrally projected to within the demiplane, no matter how far from you they were when you cast the spell, even across planes. At the GM's discretion, this spell can potentially summon deities or other superhuman entities, though they may require that you have seen the entity in physical form, or that they be a willing target.

The demiplane takes the appearance of a place that is familiar to the target and somewhat comfortable for them: usually a place where they would normally conduct conversations with friends or acquaintances, such as their favorite tavern, a place of business where they have worked, or a room in their home. The demiplane looks and feels completely real, though when the target appears, they inherently know that they are only in a recreation of it. While within the demiplane, the target can create or dispel mundane handheld objects at will simply by thinking of them, any of which disappear when the spell ends. Only you and the target creature can see or interact with the demiplane or anything inside of it, and you both can remain within it for up to 8 hours of apparent time, or until the target chooses to leave (no action). Regardless of the apparent duration of the spell, when it ends, only mere moments will have passed outside of it.

While on this demiplane, you and the target can see, hear, and understand each other, even if you don't share a language. Additionally, while inside you can't cast spells, attack the target, or harm them in anyway, though they can do so freely to you. The spell ends early only if the target chooses to end it, or if you are killed or incapacitated. If you are killed within the demiplane, you die outside of it as well. If this happens, your shadowy form left behind when you cast the spell simply dissipates, the objects and equipment you were wearing or carrying dropping to the ground in your space. If you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed while within the demiplane, you are reduced to 0 hit points as normal where you were when you cast the spell, knocking you unconscious and ending the spell.

Inspired by the ability featured in the awesome podcast, The Adventure Zone.

Previous Versions

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1/26/2019 10:32:28 PM
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1/26/2019 10:47:10 PM
Coming Soon

Spell Tags: Summoning Communication

Available For: Bard Cleric Sorcerer Warlock



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