You conjure a deluge of seawater in a 15-foot-radius, 10-foot-tall cylinder centered on a point within range. This water takes the form of a tidal wave, a whirlpool, a waterspout, or another form of your choice. Each creature in the area must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC or take 2d8 bludgeoning damage and fall prone. You can choose a number of creatures equal to your spellcasting modifier (minimum of 1) to automatically succeed on this saving throw.
If you are within the spell’s area, as part of the action you use to cast the spell, you can vanish into the deluge and teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see within the spell’s area.
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Woah, where'd this come from
Tal'Dorei Reborn, the Critical Role 3rd party campaign book recently released.
Really? I kinda hope ill be able to get it on dndbeyond
This spell is hella cool
This is pretty cool; the damage isn't amazing but having built in Careful Spell and knocking enemies prone is a bonus, but it's that teleport that makes it even better.
Whether you're already surrounded, or you rushed into a group to set the spell off, being able to teleport out of the centre means you can go right back onto the edge of the group, ideally not within attack of opportunity range, and then back off, which works very nicely with the general mobility of the Oath of the Open Sea sub-class that this was created for.
This one's cool. Compare it to tidal wave. It does less damage, but can avoid friendly fire and has a better AOE. Also has a bonus effect that allows you to teleport up to 15 feet. It's like bigby's hand. Jack of all trades, master of none. Not as powerful as fireball or tidal wave. Not as good for mobility as misty step or dimension door. But includes a host of additional effects makes this a worthy way to spend a 3rd-level spell slot. It's good if you are surrounded by a horde, though thunder step and dimension door are both better options for escaping. Again, unlike thunder step, this spell knocks enemies prone. That could come in handy against flying creatures.
Is there a mistake in the description or data summary.
It says Range/Area 120ft (10ft cyl) Isn't that bit in brackets normally the radius of the cylinder?
In the description it says 15ft radius 10ft high.
I believe it means anywhere within 120ft you can conjure a 15ft radius 10ft high cylinder.
Damage? Not that good. Falling prone? Super good for high AC combatants or slippery ****ers that like to run or fly away often. Teleportation? Amazing; it can get you out of being surrounded, enact mass confusion, allow you to get closer to enemies without any potential ****ery, and only gets better with your creativity. Additionally, it's good with any spell that deals with water, and if you're in a campaign that requires you drink to stay alive, you can effectively cancel that out with this. Overall, it's extremely powerful, and fitting for 3rd level. Definitely pog.
Drinking seawater will make you dead instead of alive.
Not if you purify it by boiling it and catching the evaporated water on things. And it doesn't just instantly kill you, I mean, if you really have to to survive, then it won't just make you drop dead. You'll probably get a disease or two, and your internal systems will hate it, and you will die if you drink too much, but you don't just drop dead from it.
My subclass got errata'd bruh what
You might not even need to distill the fresh water from the seawater, since half the classes that have access to this spell have access to purify food and drink. But whether or not that spell works on the seawater from this spell is probably up to the DM, since I could see a DM ruling that the water from this is magical and therefore ineligible for purify food and drink. Or they might rule that you can't remove salt from seawater this way.
The spell doesn't specify that the water stays or leaves, the spell tidal wave says the water vanishes after, does that mean the sea water stays? If so that's a lot of water, at full the volume is about 53000 gallons and with salt water that's like 460000 pounds. My other question is whether the caster is automatically safe from the spell or if they need to be included in those the caster picks?
This spell makes literally no sense whatsoever thematically. So you choose a point within range so you put a whirlpool in the middle of the air in the shape of a cylinder that drops on people, that somehow magically doesnt even touch certain ones of your choice, and to top it all off you can FREAKING TELEPORT TO THE CENTER OF IT. AHHHHHH!!!!
Teleporting! Damage! This spell is everything a player needs.