You pull wisps of shadow material from the Shadowfell to create a nonliving object of vegetable matter within range: soft goods, rope, wood, or something similar. You can also use this spell to create mineral objects such as stone, crystal, or metal. The object created must be no larger than a 5-foot cube, and the object must be of a form and material that you have seen before.
The duration depends on the object's material. If the object is composed of multiple materials, use the shortest duration.
Material | Duration |
Vegetable matter | 1 day |
Stone or crystal | 12 hours |
Precious metals | 1 hour |
Gems | 10 minutes |
Adamantine or mithral | 1 minute |
Using any material created by this spell as another spell's material component causes that spell to fail.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the cube increases by 5 feet for each slot level above 5th.
* - (a tiny piece of matter of the same type of the item you plan to create)
I never got why this is an illusion spell. This should be conjuration, since you're creating objects
Vegetable matter = paper and ink.
Create a flawless copy or forgery of paperwork you've seen. Deeds to mansions, scripts of reward, proof of nobility. Why takes such risks with lying when it can all go so badly so quickly?
How about creating pulleys and ropes, using two spell slots, to move big objects? Do you know how many pulleys could fit in a 5-foot cube? How much rope!?
Rogue - "Oh, there's a 45-ton rock blocking the entrance. Should we hire some giants?"
Wizard - "Nah, I got this."
Not to mention what happens when you combine this with a glyph of warding.
could you create something inside someone, say, filling their lungs with gold
Why not asbestos.
Is there any ruling on whether you can only make one single object, or multiple objects as long as it doesn’t exceed the 5ft cube?
i couldn’t find anything on it anywhere.
The first sentence defines it as, "create a nonliving object" so unfortunately I think it is just a single object.
"and the object must be of a form and material that you have seen before."
I haven't seen too many huge cubes of gold before, big rocks and whatnot should work though.
If you've seen gold, and you've seen a cube (gold piece and dice...) then you're good to go.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned thus far, but due to the spell's school, I believe this spell should interact with the Illusionist wizard's feature, Malleable Illusions. This would allow you to use any remaining 5th level spell slots before a secure long rest to create objects of the vegetable matter variety, preferably small objects flavoured that wouldn't look out of place on your character (cloth, string rings, wooden spoons, whatever), then for the next adventuring day you can transform this object into any of the other objects here, as needed, creating 5 foot blocks for cover, dropping them from high places, duplicating keys you've seen--all the things mentioned in this thread and more--as an action, without using a spell slot.
Of course, your mileage with a DM might vary so you might want to check with them before you try to break things. I'm also not sure how this would react with the durations set for different materials--would the new form last as long as the original form? Would it be reduced to the new duration? Could you change it back and reset the duration? Again, I imagine this would depend on the DM.
The vegetable matter for rations, the precocious metals and gemstones for scamming people, and Adamanitine and Mithral for temporary armor / weapons. For stone or crystal.... just get creative idk.
Or fill their stomach with poison.
How about creating a cube of lava inside your enemy’s body?
So this spell could very easily be used to demo large objects. Everyone is talking about gold 19.32g/cm3 but platinum is something most players would have on them to some degree and it is 21.45g/cm3 and is the 3rd densest real world metal, it is also much harder than gold which would mean it would maintain more momentum as it fell.
ie. One cubic foot of gold is 1206lb (0.6tons) and one cubic foot of platinum is 1338lb (0.67tons).
Now onto my point. In game adamantine is described as one of the hardest and heaviest materials known, is this denser than gold? By how much? This would than be able to easily level buildings and if dropped from high up city blocks.
So the tactic here is to have some method to fly. Good up significantly above a target and cast this spell at desired level and add in a velocity to get some major damage. At base level its its 125sqft or 167250lb or 83.6 US tons for platinum and this increases in an insane way with each increased level.
But by going on RAW the fall speed is 300ft/round regardless so that is 60ft/second, that is going to hit for A LOT of force. This spell with a little planning will make meteor storm look like child's play.
For the basics
6th level is 1000sqft
7th level is 3375sqft
8th level is 8000sqft
9th level is 15625sqft
Have fun.
It’s kind of ironic how vegetable metal takes longer than precious metals
Vegetable metal? What's that? Did you mean vegetable matter? Why is that ironic?
sorry misunderstanding ithats how long it sticks around
Says spells fails if you do that
Something a lot of people are forgetting is that it has a range of 30 ft., so unless you have a method of flying, your platinum cube can only fall 30 ft. to hit the big bad's head.