Casting Time
1 Bonus Action
30 ft
CHA Save
Deafened (...)
You utter a divine word, imbued with the power that shaped the world at the dawn of creation. Choose any number of creatures you can see within range. Each creature that can hear you must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a creature suffers an effect based on its current hit points:
- 50 hit points or fewer: deafened for 1 minute
- 40 hit points or fewer: deafened and blinded for 10 minutes
- 30 hit points or fewer: blinded, deafened, and stunned for 1 hour
- 20 hit points or fewer: killed instantly
Regardless of its current hit points, a celestial, an elemental, a fey, or a fiend that fails its save is forced back to its plane of origin (if it isn't there already) and can't return to your current plane for 24 hours by any means short of a wish spell.
This is perfect, the only problem is the spell only falls the minor. But if I ever take this spell the Divine Word is definitely hallelujah.
Seems a bit unfair if used against PCs using the Monsters of the Multiverse version of Centaur, Changeling, Fairy or Satyr. They are all classified as Fey. And it doesn’t matter what HP they’re at, fail a save and they’re gone. And they’d better hope they have the ability to come back after 24 hours.
No, it is killed instantly, not hp drop to zero. Just like Power Word Kill.
"What happens if I’m polymorphed or Wild Shaped into a creature with fewer than 100 hit points and then I’m targeted by power word kill? You die."
Directly from sage advice. So it would actually kill the creature it would just go back to it's normal form but dead.
Their "plane of origin" would normally be the material plane that they're already in, wouldn't it? Given they were probably born and live there.
This is a "finisher" spell, not one you lead with.