Casting Time
1 Action
V, S, M *
You touch a creature that has died within the last minute. That creature returns to life with 1 hit point. This spell can't return to life a creature that has died of old age, nor can it restore any missing body parts.
* - (diamonds worth 300 gp, which the spell consumes)
One thing I would love added to dndbeyond for spells, if you buy/find spell components there would be a separate tab for that. Example 300 go diamond to cast this spell, vial of human blood for that spell etc.
If I was afflicted by a mind flayer brain worm, would I be able to have someone smash my skull and pull the worm out then bring me back with revivify? This would hopefully be before I lost parts of my brain.
All spells that require some sort of valuable item and especially the ones that consume said item do it for a reason. Not only does it prevent spamming the spell, but it also allows creative plays around it from both sides. So for instance if a ritual calls for, let's say a silver mirror worth 1000 gp, either the players or npcs can ruin a ritual by casting heat metal on it (possibly) or incense can be disturbed/stolen, etc. It also gives flavor which you can play on if you want.
The spell doesn't need that penalty. The difference is that you need to revivify within the minute. That is when soul still lingers around the body. Maybe they just have out of body experience etc.
Raise dead let's you bring back someone who was dead for up to 10 days. That means they already went to the light and started settling in. They accepted they died etc. Whole experience of dying sunk in, while with revivify it was more of a really bad dream.
What if the dead person is beheaded, would revivify still work?
For any spell that does not have a listed cost for material components, you can substitute a component pouch or spell focus.
i don't see it on here but can i add this into my book of shadows from book of ancient secrets as a ritual spell
depends on dm when i died as a tabaxi they brought me back to life as a rock gnome than i had to seek help from someone higher up who could put me back as a tabaxi.
question, one of my players used this on a poor chap who was ripped in half. they cast mending, and then this. would it have restored them to life?
As a DM it is your call, but I would personally rule that this wouldn't work. My reasoning for this is that mending is a cantrip, and cantrips are meant to be limited in power. I would say that fixing that much damage would take longer than a minute by most means. If they found some other way to fix the body and they cast revify within one minute of death I don't see why it wouldn't work. But, as always, being the DM gives you the authority to rule whichever way you want. Hope this helps :)
The problem with that is, it takes a true restoration to revive someone and remove something like a magical curse.
Can all domains of cleric use this spell?
nice but all casters of this get it late
Hey! I was wondering after casting this onto a PC do then then count as an undead, I have a paladin oathbreaker that wants to know if a party member benefits from the aura of hatred that states it benefits undead and fiends by giving a bonus to melee damage roles equal to the paladins charisma modifier after being returned by this spell. Is there something said or is it up to the DM?
Thann you!
Mmhh, for me it should not be possible to cast revivify on a vampire since they are Undead, when they became a Vampire they technically became Undead. If they die after 1 minute of the transformation I think it should count as unable to be revivified.
Yes, that is the point of this spell.
As a house rule, any material component under 1 gp is assumed to be in possession of the wizard... this covers most spells, anything higher, I feel like the material component is an intended restriction on how many times a caster can use a spell.... It helps prevent a healer say, using revivify on an entire troop that just got fireballed.
and in desperation, your players might be forced to choose between a 50 gp diamond and, say.... Food ;)