Casting Time
1 Action
(60 ft )
V, S, M *
1 Minute
CON Save
A beam of brilliant light flashes out from your hand in a 5-foot-wide, 60-foot-long line. Each creature in the line must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 6d8 radiant damage and is blinded until your next turn. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and isn't blinded by this spell. Undead and oozes have disadvantage on this saving throw.
You can create a new line of radiance as your action on any turn until the spell ends.
For the duration, a mote of brilliant radiance shines in your hand. It sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. This light is sunlight.
* - (a magnifying glass)
If you think about it, this spell is very powerful. What other spell allows you to do 60d8 of damage on one spell slot?
As far as your other concern. In the spell description the spell says: "A beam of brilliant light flashes out from your hand in a 5-foot-wide, 60-foot-long line."
By definition, a "flash" is a sudden brief burst of bright light or a sudden glint from a reflective surface. It does not imply a continuous beam that persists. So by the language used, I would say that the beams disappear after an instant.
It’s a straight line like a sun ray, but if I were DMing I’ would probably allow it to bounce or ricochet off of mirrors or certain surfaces.
My aasimar divine soul sorcerer is about to get this spell in Rime of the Frostmaiden and my DM is letting him cast it out of his eyes. Laser eyes rock!
I think it implies that the beams go away immediately after emitting. Otherwise each one would set up an area of effect like dawn or moonbeam and creatures would have to make saves upon entering said area, but the RAW doesn’t say any of that.
One fun thing about Sunbeam when used by sorcerers, is they can use this with Quickened Spell:
Best of all, each time you use your action to create a new line of radiance, you can cast Silvery Barbs on a creature that succeeds on their saving throw, forcing them to reroll it.