Casting Time
1 Hour
V, S, M *
You touch a creature that has been dead for no longer than 200 years and that died for any reason except old age. If the creature's soul is free and willing, the creature is restored to life with all its hit points.
This spell closes all wounds, neutralizes any poison, cures all diseases, and lifts any curses affecting the creature when it died. The spell replaces damaged or missing organs and limbs. If the creature was undead, it is restored to its non-undead form.
The spell can even provide a new body if the original no longer exists, in which case you must speak the creature's name. The creature then appears in an unoccupied space you choose within 10 feet of you.
* - (a sprinkle of holy water and diamonds worth at least 25,000 gp, which the spell consumes)
No, because it is a ritual spell that takes 1 hour to cast and if they stabbed each other, the spell would not complete.
Would this spell used on a reborn make the reborn have a stone form again, or have their original body?
A true staple of bard college of creation utility.
"They only got disintegrated. No biggie!"
wouldn't a warlock have this spell?
Um, yeah, I think that's the idea. YOURE BRINGING SOMEONE BACK FROM THE DEAD.
Um, yeah, I think that's the idea. YOU'RE BRINGING SOMEONE BACK FROM THE DEAD
*lvl 18 Creation Bard has entered the chat*
So I have a level 10 sorceress that could pay a level 20 druid/artificer to craft a phylactery using this spell. Would that work? Or would clone be the cheaper route, even if it takes three months to prep?
Got a bit of a problem with this, not that any games I run or play EVER get high enought to use spells this but: What about if the Undead is unwilling such as a Vampire or Lich, would Strahd just become Human again without a save? I think unwilling undead should have a save to resist this.
It states that the soul of the creature must be willing so the spell wouldn't work
If someone did this while I was DM, I would totally allow it. In fact, I would honor their creativity by giving them much, much more than they bargained for.
"Sure, yeah, you can just revive your friend instantaneously with zero cost to yourself... If you don't mind how their body is now covered in barbed tentacles and eyes that spew poisonous blood, yet their face is unchanged, aside from the anguished expression frozen upon it. Also they want you dead for cursing them to this unenviable fate now."
It also says it cant been dead for more than 200 years. Most liches and Strahd are over 200 years old so it wouldnt work on them. But say someone in your family got turned into a vampire, and you had 25k worth of diamonds around, if they were willing, you could cast it on them, and they'd be a normal again. I just wonder if it turns them back into a human at the age they were turned, or at the age they would been as a vampire. That would sort of bad to spend 25k on a spell, cure your great grandpa of vampirism, and he was 180 years old at the time and instead of bringing back 50yo grandpa, you bring back 180 grandpa, and as soon as he's human, he just falls over dead from way old age.
If this spell is cast and the soul is unwilling/not freed does it still use up a spell slot and the components?
I know we plowed through an earlier comment about a lack of body vs. touch issue - but I think it needs to be better addressed and worded more appropriately.
I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that there's a sort of cadence to the way spells are described in 5e books, and it often starts with the requirements - the... necessary scenario... or set of circumstances in which the spell can be successfully cast.
In this case:
"You touch a creature that has been dead for no longer than 200 years..."
Yes, the second-to-last line indicates that the spell can provide a new body, but the wording there strongly hints that the spell has already been cast or that in casting the spell this becomes true. Surely it doesn't provide this body before it is cast... In other words, to me, the creature needs to be touched... meaning it must also be touchable... it needs to have some form of body... even if just a toe or some ashes... for the spell to be cast... and now that it is cast, it can provide a new body.
I'm not willing to die on this hill (no pun intended) - but I think they either need to get more specific about the creature's state, or change the wording of that first line. It feels too plainly worded to be an RAI situation, and too poorly worded to take as RAW unless "a body part" was the actual intent - in which case the second-to-last line needs to be reworded with an example or something to that effect.
Anyway, that's one to grow on. Have a good day.
I got this spell from a deck of many more things as a level 7 bard
How likely is any soul to be free after any amount of time? Aren’t you likely a petitioner in the domain of some deity’s afterlife setup - ergo not just free to have your soul waltz back down/up to your dead body?
I’d imagine that evil deities would be more willing to free up certain souls of evil creatures if it meant they were more likely to bring in even more petitioners on account of a second evil life.
Put your spoiler here.
skibiti bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
One time my barbarian friend died to a boss as he was about to kill him, and I only had 2 spell slots left. He thought that he was gonna die, and then I just said "you know I can bring you back, right?" And as the parties' only spellcaster, everyone was super surprised by this. Then we killed the boss and everything was great.