Casting Time
1 Action
60 ft
(5 ft *)
You choose nonmagical flame that you can see within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube. You affect it in one of the following ways:
- You instantaneously expand the flame 5 feet in one direction, provided that wood or other fuel is present in the new location.
- You instantaneously extinguish the flames within the cube.
- You double or halve the area of bright light and dim light cast by the flame, change its color, or both. The change lasts for 1 hour.
- You cause simple shapes—such as the vague form of a creature, an inanimate object, or a location—to appear within the flames and animate as you like. The shapes last for 1 hour.
If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to three of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.
Can this fire deal damage and if yes, how much?
I wonder if this spell could be a sort of utility spell for smithing-type characters being able to manipulate the fire of a forge to make/repair armor/weapons faster and/or better. I could see how that could work
I feel like this could be fun with Alchemist Fire, which naturally fuels itself compared to camp fire or wood..
creeping flames in a stone room
can you use this on produce flame?
You can't use it on produce flame. It specifies nonmagical fire.
I was wondering this same thing! Be able to focus the heat and intensity of the flames to let’s say get a camp fire up to forge temperatures as long as there is fuel. My thought is a smith could improve/fix/craft on the road without needing a full forge to melt metal.
Fun spell and with a lantern your light radius is huge, the bullseye cone is absurd.
If I get close enough to a dragon, is it possible to extinguish its breath by casting this?
I mean by getting so close that I extinguish it the moment it comes out of its mouth, while it still just cover the 5ft area required for this spell.
(Ignore the question of how would I manage to do that.)
So i have a character, whos been mentally scarred by seeing eldritch horrors, could i, project those eldritch horrors into say a bandit campfire to cause psychic damage?
I don't think flames images can cause enough mental harm to cause a significant amount of psychic damage.
But simply for the creativity, I'd have you roll against a certain DC or make it contested with the target. If you succeed, damage is dealt. Although if someone other than the target also makes eye contact with the flames, they might get damaged as well.
It’s confusing that it says you can create a vague shape of an inanimate object... & animate it as you like.
At first I read it to mean you can’t make animated images, much like Minor Illusion. But, I think what it’s trying to say is: you can create images of animated creatures OR inanimate objects, & animate them as you like. In which case it would’ve been far less confusing to just leave out the word, inanimate, & write, “creatures or objects.”
Anyone see something I’m missing?
Its a cantrip so why expect to much...
1. Want to burn a building down - use to spread fire with multiple uses...
2. Want to stop burning building down - for would be fire fighters, extinguish away.
3. Make your Torch or Lantern work much better - great for those without night vision, or dim and colour light to help sneaking around. Can have 3 effects running, so light a large hall or dungeon room is possible.
4. Make your camp fire stories come to life and impress your friends....
Want to do damage or mend armour... get a different cantrip!
You can create an inanimate object such as a skull and crossbones flag and then animate it to appear to be flying in the flames.
Since you can have 3 effects at the same time, can you make flame cast a light 6 times longer than it usually does?
Wherever my character get near candles or torches, she turns the flames into colorful flowers or little dragons
Probably be a D4 hit
I have been wondering the exact same thing, but whenever I look it up, the spell "Fireball" is the only thing that appears.
This completely depends on how lenient the DM is, but, say you get a piece of coal. You light it on fire with nonmagical flames and use the control fire spell on them. You expand the fire in the direction of the coal, instantaneously making a 5 foot jet of fire towards the coal. There can be 3 results as I see it:
1: The DM can simply deny the spell.
2: The jet of fire instantly destroys the coal. This allows you to use the DM's own words against them and drive a destructive jet of fire into anything
3: The jet of fire goes around the coal. Since The fire has been shown to obey physics, you can use this to make bombs that explode at will.
4: The fire compresses against the coal, speeding it up to 5ft/however fast the dm said the fire was. If this is the case you could make bullets out of anything flammable and fire them at whatever you please, effectively making this an on-demand gun in any campaign, with no bullet value, and able to propel anything at massive speeds.
5: The DM ignores either the laws of physics or the effects of the spell.
Please poke holes in this comment so i can work on my wording before I try this in actual DND
wow nice idea i like it.