Casting Time
1 Action
60 ft
V, S
CON Save
You cause numbing frost to form on one creature that you can see within range. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 1d6 cold damage, and it has disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.
The spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
Best damaging wizard cantrip in the game.
I don't know what page is that, but the spell is in page 18 from the EEPC
(EEPC is only 26 pages)
Its probably because its also in XGtE & I assume that is the XGtE page number
IDK why it is mixing the 2
What happens if they save?
Nothing. Cantrips with saves have no effect on a successful save. The idea is that cantrips are kind of like weapons for a caster, so they either hit or don't.
ok. thank you, We've been doing that wrong.
Casting Spellword is:
Chewicus Freezium
On the character page there is and "*" next to the cold effect symbol. I know a red * pops up next to the name when you edit it but I havent done that. Does anyone know what this is from?
As a warlock this seems pretty useless compared to the 1d10+CharismaMod damage of Eldritch+Agonizing blast, but here's why I'm taking it:
Seems like the best spell to take for that scenario where EB is likely to fail.
Now if you're hoping to kill a fresh enemy with this, you're going to be waiting a long time, but if a teammate is coming to kill the attacker for you, this will buy some time and chip away at them.
A so better vicious mockery
That's what I thought at first too. The difference is that the enemies that it's best to use this on tend to have better con saves than wis saves. Still useful though.
very true
So is this just Viscous Mockery but better?
Honestly, I think this is just Vicious Mockery but worse. Based on 3 factors.
1. It's Cold damage. Cold is one of the most commonly resisted damage types in the game.
2. CON save. Most enemies have high CON save modifiers, especially the higher level ones.
3. Disadvantage on weapon attack. If it's attacking with a spell or ability, this doesn't affect it.
Meanwhile, Vicious Mockery:
1. Less damage, but it's psychic damage. Not many monsters resist psychic damage.
2. WIS save. Enemies are generally worse at WIS saves than CON saves.
3. Disadvantage on next attack roll. It works on any attack.
exception is evocation wizard, with the potent cantrip feature it will still deal half damage but will not grant disadvantage
Agreed, its vicious mockery's younger brother but can be taken by more classes
hello! i knew hear!
what r u talking about?