Casting Time
1 Action
30 ft
V, S
STR Save
You seize the air and compel it to create one of the following effects at a point you can see within range:
One Medium or smaller creature that you choose must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 5 feet away from you.
You create a small blast of air capable of moving one object that is neither held nor carried and that weighs no more than 5 pounds. The object is pushed up to 10 feet away from you. It isn’t pushed with enough force to cause damage.
You create a harmless sensory effect using air, such as causing leaves to rustle, wind to slam shutters shut, or your clothing to ripple in a breeze.
- Use it to end a grapple. (Easier to use it on the ally being grappled than on the grappler, since your ally can willingly fail the save.)
- Pushing five feet is very useful to help vulnerable party members disengage on your action so they can Dash on the next turn.
- Cast cloud of dagger and push or pull monsters into it and if you can get 2 damage roll out of it per casting it becomes one of the best damage spell in the entire game, no save and has a damage type rarely resisted.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/dndnext/comments/3x4rjq/no_cantrip_is_useless_examples_for_all_of_them/
- Thorn Whip + Gust Combos of pulling/pushing enemies into/out of AoE effects. (Source: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?488397-Let-s-make-cantrips-fun-and-powerful-with-tricks-tips-and-combos)
One of the more useful cantrips, imo. A few creative uses I can think of:
• Cause fires to grow or spread faster, or temporarily prevent it from spreading in a specific direction. Could also snuff out small fires before they spread.
• Interfere with creatures that are jumping, hovering, or flying
• Intentionally kicking up a cloud of dust, sand, snow, etc.
• Clear away cloud/fog terrain, traps, or spells, such as the dust kicked up by an explosion (a gentle breeze would work better. If the GM doesn't let you decrease the output, then just cast it from further away. The wind still has to slow down after the spell ends)
• Interfere with missile attacks. Whether by redirecting or slowing down arrows or similar projectiles (if you react fast enough), assisting an ally's shot (with GM consent), or just interrupting the attacker
Invaluable for the ability to make capes move at dramatically appropriate times.
the best use
Incredibly useful.
Pretty sure "sensory affect" should be "effect."
Since watching Demonac D&D tales this has become a must have just encase.
QUestion: Can this spell be used to propel a character forward if he's levitating?
As a DM I would rule no. Reason being that the description specifies that the wind pushes outward from you in a specific direction and honestly physics would dictate that if you sent a force of the wind that could touch you that moved a person 5' away from you that it would in fact move you an equal distance.
As a DM I would rule yes. The spell states
"You seize the air and compel it ... at a point you can see ... a creature that you choose ... pushed up to 5 feet away from you."
You are a creature that you can see, so you could compel the wind to push yourself up to 5 feet away from your current location.
This should allow you to move very slowly while levitating, at a movement speed of 5ft per round. Additionally even if you are not levitating, you could use it to blow yourself upward 5ft from the ground, potentially helping a jump to reach a higher ledge.
Could you use this spell to pull, or rather push a creature or item towards you instead?
My Mark of Storm half-elf has a special "gustbow" which is like a blowgun with a wide entry mouth and a hatch for inserting crossbow bolts. He blasts gust in the tube and shoots the bold out. (basically it is a light crossbow that, for flavor, he powers with gust)
I would imagine the grappler still getting a strength check of some kind to resist having their target pulled away.
Casting word is:
Surgicus Paroxysm
RAW the grappler would not get a check, but that is up to DM's discretion. I might allow the grappler to make the save since it makes sense to do so.
Why can it push a creature of medium size (including things like a half-orc in full plate with a bunch of gear) but can only push a 10 pound object? Shouldn’t you be able to use the same level gust to push at least hundred pound objects?
5 pounds!
While I'd say it should be able to move more than 5 or even 10 pounds, a hundred would be too heavy. That's mainly due physics I guess.
I'd say they are pushed 5 feet away because they are pushed off balanced and take enough steps back to move 5ft away from you.
That's probably also why small creature are also only moved by 5ft.
But yea, I'd argue ... 20-30 pound objects. Depending on the shape though. It's easier to move a stone-sphere than a sack of sand with the same weight.
could be a cool combo with create bonfire buy pushing your enemy into the fire. You could get allot out of cantrips in the early game when you have only a few spell slots.
If you are out of attack spells, you could use this to help your mates in melee. Pushing a creature away from them would give them a free Attack of Opportunity, would it not? - Edit: <Ron Howard voice>: It would not. You cannot provoke an attack of Opportunity with a spell that doesn't use the creatures movement, action or reaction. Nevermind.
Also, get a bag of flour. Cut in open, throw into a room then Gust up or down. Room covered in invisible creature seeing dust and also very flammable.
RAW that doesn't work, and you quoted why. It pushes the target to 5' away from you. You can't push yourself 5' away from yourself. If it didn't have "from you" it would work. Also, even if it didn't have the "from you" part, you would only move if you failed the saving throw, because RAW you can't choose to fail.