Until the spell ends, ice rimes your body, and you gain the following benefits:
You are immune to cold damage and have resistance to fire damage.
You can move across difficult terrain created by ice or snow without spending extra movement.
The ground in a 10-foot radius around you is icy and is difficult terrain for creatures other than you. The radius moves with you.
You can use your action to create a 15-foot cone of freezing wind extending from your outstretched hand in a direction you choose. Each creature in the cone must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 4d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature that fails its save against this effect has its speed halved until the start of your next turn.
This is one of my favorite spells. :-)
How many times can the freezing wind cone be cast?
As many times as you like, as long as you maintain concentration. (So numbers-wise over 10 minutes you can potentially use it 600 times, useful if you want to freeze an entire lake or something)
How do I purchase this spell? I searched, and everything that I get search results for, I don't see where to purchase this, and I've purchased all of those already, and it isn't in my spell lists. I want to purchase this.
Edit: I didn't realize I needed to choose this for my Warlock under Mystic Arcanum. It isn't just a spell, I didn't realize that. Saying it here in case someone else screws up like I did.
Would a Druid in Wildshape need to be in a Beast form that would have what would be considered a hand in order to use the final bullet ability, which requires an "outstretched hand"?
That would assume your Druid is still concentrating on the spell when Wildshaped, but I feel like you could reflavor it if necessary should your current beast form not have a hand. Somantic components described by the spell are really just descriptive suggestions, it's up to the players and DM to work out methods that would best suit the character.