Casting Time
1 Bonus Action
V, S
1 Minute
You touch one to three pebbles and imbue them with magic. You or someone else can make a ranged spell attack with one of the pebbles by throwing it or hurling it with a sling. If thrown, it has a range of 60 feet. If someone else attacks with the pebble, that attacker adds your spellcasting ability modifier, not the attacker’s, to the attack roll. On a hit, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Hit or miss, the spell then ends on the stone.
If you cast this spell again, the spell ends early on any pebbles still affected by it.
Maybe before combat? I'm really looking for an excuse to use this. It fits with my flavor so well but we are starting at lvl3.
bonus action along with sling is one full turn and +5 multiplier 1d4+1d6+5 = legend of the pebble (watch SAO abridged episode 1 if you don't understand)
this is what happened my last game lol.
dude a round of combat (1 turn) is 6 seconds, not 1 minute. it lasts 10 turns
my big issue with this cantrip is that to make it worthwhile or useful in mostly any situation, the DM has to allow the words to work in a way that benefits it. While a extra 60ft reach is great with the sling, due to the fact you are still making a Ranged spell attack, which negates any build to allow these to be more useful, especially at past levels one- three. Cantrips are built and should be built around allowing the player to use them in creative ways, but this one without proper DM discretion, seems to shut it down pretty quickly, and none of the effects provide too many benefits.
Since no one has answered you, two weapon fighting requires melee weapons explicitly.
It's DM dependent, but if your DM allows you to give minions, like skeletons or tiny servants "standing orders", like "throw the stones I touch at my enemies", not having to eat your Bonus Action every turn, you can use a 4th level slot to create 3 tiny servants and this cantrip to have a BONUS action that deals 3d6+ spellcasting modifier (x3), every single combat round for the entire adventuring day, unless your DM targets your minions (not to mention the utility of the servants).
My Lore Bard is now at level 10 and is one of the best damage dealers of the party, thanks to this humble cantrip. I had to pay a Magical Secret and a feat for this combo, but it's been so worth it that I'm having a hard time justifying having Animate Objects prepared, as it also uses a bonus action.
So if you 'hurling it with a sling' is it still a spell attack, or is now a ranged weapon attack? I asssume its still a spell attack.. since other ise it would be doing 1d6+casting + dex.
Though Honestly it would be fun to rock it with a sharpshooter haha.
now does the attacker get to add their proficiency bonus to the attack roll if they are just throwning it?
anyways be a beast master ranger, get a baboon companion, get druidic warrior, get it to throw the stones with its disposable limbs and get that sweet proficiency bonus to hit and damage
Really need to read this spell carefully. You can cast magic stone on up to 3 PEBBLES at once. Cannot be used on anything else like other ammo. If cast again before used spell ends on other pebbles. You cannot make a bucket worth. You or someone else can make a ranged spell attack by throwing or hurling. You cannot use these to make a weapon attack. Only spell attack. Hit or miss spell ends on the stone.
You are basically throwing a bullet with your hand thats guided by magic. Think worlds most powerful bb gun.
Spell sniper would definitely work on this. And you bet your buns ill be a sniper druid picking enemies off from 120 feet away.
Couple that with high to hit bonus and up to +5 damage per hit at max stat (maybe higher if you have an item that boost spell modifier)
For a druid this is probably the best long range spell you could take that 1, you roll to attack instead of being dc related, 2 causes reliable damage with reliable accuracy. 3 keeps you out of range of melee attackers but still in the fight. 4 isnt aoe. 5. Can be given to others for easy extra ranged attacks. And 6 you can target anything. Doesnt have to be creature. Set some activating traps like a bottle of alchemist fire. Get at range at let loose a pebble to break the bottle. Instant molotov, with no dexterity required. Lot of fun to be had. Just make it work for you.
Notably, no material components.
Not even three pebbles oddly enough.
I've looked through all the comments on here and there seems to be a lot of confusion and overthinking on how to use this cantrip. Keep in mind some of the keywords that are written, it can dramatically change the interpretation of the cantrip description and how to utilize it. As always, you can talk to your DM to make whatever seems appropriate for the campaign you are in, this is just how I personally interpret the description and include it in my campaigns.
First off, this is a simple cantrip. This is intended for players with lower levels and/or to help out other characters that might not have ranged weapons or attacks as a viable option. This can most likely be replaced at higher levels once it's damage amount or general use simply isn't worth taking up a cantrip anymore. Your DM might allow the 1d6 to increase at higher levels if you really want to keep it.
- The rules state that ONE to THREE PEBBLES can be infused with magic from this cantrip.
* Pebbles can range in size from 4 - 64 mm (0.16–2.52 inches) in diameter or a little less than a tennis ball at maximum size. This makes sense as most Sling ammunition would be around this size as well if you choose to use one with this cantrip. I might allow some pebble-sized objects like dice, a shot glass, etc. but since it deals bludgeoning damage, I try to keep it to rocks and stones to keep it simple.
- Players can only throw ONE PEBBLE at a time, the spell lasts up to ONE MINUTE with CONCENTRATION, and can only allow the player up to THREE PEBBLES at any time.
* I think this prevents most people from being able to stockpile a bunch of these Magic Stones in the heat of battle. This also prevents players from creating a scattergun or hail effect if they try and use multiple stones at once by throwing, slinging, dumping out of a bag or bucket, etc. I use a rule in my games that allow these pebbles to be gently tossed to nearby allies within 10 feet safely but the pebbles would need to reach a certain velocity in order for the magic to "kick in" while attacking.*
- The use of a Sling still counts as a RANGED SPELL ATTACK and does NOT add the 1d4 to the damage dealt since the Sling is simply an alternative way of launching the Magic Stone pebbles. The SPELL is doing the damage, not the pebble which I interpret as magical damage for overcoming nonmagical resistances. Rouges could use Slings to deliver any Magic Stone ammo and gain the Sneak Attack benefits, throwing them would not gain Sneak Attack benefits since it needs the use of finesse or ranged weapons.
* I would allow a house rule for the Sharpshooter and Spell Sniper feats to be applied to the infused pebbles if the CASTER has either of them for their character. Any character using these pebbles would be able to ignore half-cover, three-quarters cover, and not have a disadvantage on long-range if they use a sling for SharpShooter. They could also ignore half-cover, three-quarters cover, and be able to THROW the infused pebble up to 120 feet for Spell Sniper.*
Great synergy with Tiny Servant:
Combat Prep - Cast tiny servant at the 4th level, to get 3 servants.
Bonus Action - Magic stone. 3 stones enchanted.
Tiny Servant actions - They'll hide in your backpack (cover?), and duck out on their turn, tossing the three magic stones, for 3d6+15 potential damage.
Best part? Doesn't require concentration. :D
1) Magic Stone can also be cast through your familiar, letting the buddies stay away from you if necessary.
2) Remember that you can't cast a leveled spell and a bonus action cantrip in the same turn. This means repeat action spells like Earthen Grasp (a personal favorite since it grants advantage to your servants), Dragon's Breath, Watery Sphere, Eyebite, etc. gain significantly more value by freeing up your bonus action for Magic Stone.
3) Builds: Artificer, Artificer 1/Wizard X, or Wizard with Artificer Initiate (feat), Bard (magic secrets).
This spell seems a bit nerfed. They should have just made it a ranged attack so those specialized in slings could take advantage of multiple attacks and the sharpshooter feat. Those that think that only bows can do significant damage have likely never witnessed what a powerful slingshot with a lead ball/bullet can do. If you are going for a sling weapon build I'd invest in the Ranger a little so you can get the spells Ensnaring Strike, Hail of Thorns, and Hunters Mark. With these spells you can maximize your sling's potential for damage and take advantage of both multiple attacks and the Sharpshooter feat. It is a shame since Magic Stone was suppose to give stone throwers and sling users a bit of a buff but I suppose if you are a straight magic user then multiple attacks are not going to matter but then what the heck are you using a sling for when you can be throwing Firebolt or Eldritch Blast?
The sling lets it go farther I think
Rounds last six seconds, not a minute. Everyone's action/reaction/bonus action occurs in six seconds. Then a new round begins and the top of the initiative gets to choose what they do first, then continues to the next in descending order until the bottom of the initiative goes last, all in six seconds.
If it were otherwise, it would be the strangest combat anyone has ever seen, as each person holds completely still while watching everyone else perform their actions until it was their turn.
In combat, everything happens at once.
Why I think magic stone is an underrated spell .
Potential Loopholes:
Parameters- Level 5 party, martial character has access to the extra attack class feature, encounter is against only flying creatures, martial character has no ranged weapons on his/her person.
Flexibility Example: Caster character uses BA to cast magic stone on 3 pebbles and pass it to a martial character. Casts a spell using an action
Martial character action: uses an action to make 2 attacks with the stones given, bonus action two-weapon fighting for an additional attack. potential damage output is now 3d6+ 3x INT MOD per round for the martial character who would've not been able to reach the flying enemies.
You can only throw one pebble at a time, so the spell does 3d6+mod damage over three rounds. You could just as easily cast Eldritch Blast three times in those same three rounds. The exception would be if you gave some of the pebbles to someone else. But then that person would have to forego their regular action to throw the pebble. It's really only worth it if you're attacking at range and some of your allies don't have ranged attacks. And I don't think there's any class in the game that can't get a ranged weapon as part of their starting equipment.
Throwing is 60 range, Sling is 30 range or 120 long range. The two are mechanically distinct, ergo listed separately.