Casting Time
1 Bonus Action
V, S
1 Minute
You touch one to three pebbles and imbue them with magic. You or someone else can make a ranged spell attack with one of the pebbles by throwing it or hurling it with a sling. If thrown, it has a range of 60 feet. If someone else attacks with the pebble, that attacker adds your spellcasting ability modifier, not the attacker’s, to the attack roll. On a hit, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Hit or miss, the spell then ends on the stone.
If you cast this spell again, the spell ends early on any pebbles still affected by it.
If this is a damage dealing cantrip, doesn't the damage increase when you get to higher levels? Cantrips like firebolt deal an extra damage dice at level 5, 11 and 17. I don't see it saying that anywhere for this spell, and it sorta makes it useless at higher levels. Does anyone know the answer to this? Would it deal 2d6 instead of 1d6 at level 5?
very pebbly
Investment of the Chain Master gave this spell a buff to Chain Warlocks, but it's still not very strong past low levels.
Have your familiar carry some pebbles, then cast via Find Familiar rules (touch range). Takes a bonus action to set up, but you can spend your next three turns dealing 1d6+CHA damage with your bonus action. Until 5th level, it's kind of... on par with Hex??? Assuming your familiar's attacks hit.
If your Imp shouldn't be in melee range, give them some pebbles. If you've got a Sprite, they can deal more damage than their shortbow, which helps if you're fighting poison-resistant opponents.
This is throwing rocks at things but for
Throwing without a sling or hurling with one
Late reply but this lets you use your spellcasting stat with Sharpshooter.
Could.be neat with Ranger
this is the first cantrip I ever used, nice.
Several things work well with it, if you have a monk, these are much better than throwing darts with that many attacks too.
Even better become a one man firing squad with summoning like summon woodland beings its concentration. For an hour, summon 4 1/2 rating creatures have one collect stones 3 throw them.
One step further use any charm person up to level 3 to make enemies throw stones at their own group reducing your targets or animal friendship if the right animals are around, they persist for 24 hours and require no concentration. So cast bless and you have elites or slow on remaining enemies. Potentially cst hex or alike if your DM allows your attack modifier to include your hex damage too. So for a 20 spellcasting start it's a 6d6 + 15 spell.is all hit and hex damage counts.
No just the stone, slink is flavour.
Just saying magic stone, with an arcane trickster using catapult while you hold enlarge, for when a stone is propelled, so a min maxer would have 1d6+5 per stone, catapult, sneak attack, enlarge (5lb to 40 lb and 2x bigger magic stone the dm may allow disadvantage on the save when it's a boulder rather than a pebble or some siege utility to break a door or jailbreak through a wall at range).
Magic Stone + Crusher? :D
Can't take your interpretation seriously since it's not a spell with concentration and you capitalized it like you were confident it was.
if you used catapult on this, would it do both damages?
Yeah but it paired with catapult is harsh
for a starter this is an amazing cantrip. it is even better then some 1st level spells. I have a lv3 druid and a spell ac of 5 so this is an amazing spell for me.
Sneak attack only applies if you're using a finesse or ranged weapon, so you'd have to have a sling to get sneak attack damage (not a spell like Catapult). You couldn't shoot the magic stone from a sling and also cast Catapult on it.
Also, even if your GM is generous enough to consider a 1-to-5-pound object a "pebble", Catapult doesn't make an attack. It's a saving throw, and it would override any Magic Stone damage. Same with Enlarge; RAW, it wouldn't add any extra damage or effects (unless your GM decides to buff the spell).
"pebble" was an example, a Dagger for instance weighs 1lb also. a Rapier weighs 2lb's. Stone could be sharpened into a rustic flint dagger, as all things D&D there is space for some creativity. A stone Dagger could easily shatter or become lost, the right kind of stone or skills to reproduce one may not be available everywhere even if given the time.
If a player did hold Enlarge for an object thrown at a enemy, how would you give value to the spell slot and action cost?
Right, but this spell specifically states a "pebble" so you couldn't use Magic Stone on a dagger or rapier since (even if made out of stone) they're way too large to fit the description of "pebble". If an enlarged object were just thrown at an enemy, I would rule that it does more damage. However, the Catapult spell specifically says 3d8 damage regardless of the object's size. I love creativity in D&D, it's just that these spells and features weren't really designed to work together, unfortunately.
Additionally, Magic Stone wouldn't even really be useful in this scenario since the Magic Stone damage is overridden by the Catapult damage.
Hi! I love the concept of this spell, specifically to put power in the hands of the powerless. I feel that the spell cannot be abused by trying to stack on other bonuses or damages. That is not what the spell is for. The magic pebble allows anyone hurling it to attack with a spell attack and that's it
*edit* oh, I was so naive when I started writing this.
If it's hurled from a sling, it's just +spell attack mod to hit and 1d6+spell damage mod and the range become 30/120. It feels like the sling part was added specifically to prevent trying to add ranged attack mods and damage.
*Edit* ok, so after reading sage advice and a couple abilities: any ability that requires an attack (not a "ranged weapon attack". Just an "attack" or "ranged attack") be made with a ranged weapon, can benefit from magic stone thrown with a sling. Still just made with spell attack bonus and spell damage bonus of the caster. So yeah, once more. Confusing. When using a sling, it's a ranged spell attack made with a ranged weapon. It is not a ranged weapon attack.
With sneak attack, a sling could be used to add sneak attack damage.
With sharpshooter, a sling could be used to take -5 penalty and deal +10 damage. But it would not benefit from the aspects of the feat.
Fired from a gun, it would do normal bullet damage, but the pebble would still retain it's magic for the duration of the spell (or be destroyed and mess up your gun depending on the resilience of magically imbued items in your campaign). It is not heavy enough for the catapult spell. If it were, it would only do catapult damage and it would still be a magic pebble for the duration of the spell.
As for spell sniper, sadly, I feel that only the caster would benefit.
*Edit* nope. Magic stone does not require an attack roll and therefore does not benefit from spell sniper. OR if you are a kind and flexible DM, all the stones benefit, but only from the doubled range.
*This is next paragraph is wrong because I was making assumptions* Someone made a point that it specifies that it is a ranged spell attack. I have to read that as casting a cantrip spell. Unless you have a way to deal sneak attack with a spell, you do not gain sneak attack with magic stone. Unless you can cast spells as part of your extra attack, you do not get to extra attack with magic stone. *End of very wrong section*
*Correction edit* the attack action allows you to make an attack. You may not cast a spell for your attack action (unless you have an ability that allows it). You may make a spell attack. How to make a spell attack without casting a spell? Magic Stone! So yeah. Make those stones and load up your fighter with a sling and 3 fairly powerful ranged spell attacks each turn.
None of these things are what make magic stone magic. Magic stone gives a powerful spell attack to anyone the spell caster considers "someone" (the wording doesn't say humanoid or creature or person, it says someone. Do with that what you will) it also gives the caster the option to add a damage modifier to a cantrip if they don't want to use the other limiting methods of adding a damage modifier to their cantrips.
I think that my only modification would be to allow it to scale by magically imbuing one extra pebble at 5, 11, and 17. If you can convince 5 or 6 followers to go into battle with you, go ahead, hit with 6 stones on each round until all your very squishy buddies get eradicated with one aoe.
*I stand by this modification* give that fighter with 4 attacks and an action surge all the ammunition they need! It's not game breakingly powerful, but it is very cool team synergy.
Seriously though. Imagine assassinating the rude duke at a banquet by giving one of his disgruntled drunk guests a shiny stone and a little persuasive nudge. The spell does not need ways to deal more damage. It's perfect the way it is. My character gives stones to kids to throw at propaganda preachers she doesn't agree with.
*Edit* I had a lot of fun learning the specifics of attacks, the attack action, some feats, and some classes. What a great spell!
So here's my question. Throwing the stone itself, that's done as part of the attack action correct?
I.E. let's say me eldritch knight picks this up, Bonus actions to make 3 stones magic stones. He could then use his extra attack to hurl 2 or even all three stones should he have the second level of extra attack in one action? Cuz if that's the case, while it is niche it could be useful for Eldritch Knights as a ranged cantrip that uses their extra attack.
One more thing, if you use a sling to throw the stones, do you get both the sling's natural damage, which is 1D4 + Dex, plus the magic stone's 1D6 + Spell mod? or is it just the 1D6+spell mod? Cuz if it's the sling's damage and magic stones damage combined, that'd be really useful for arcane tricksters and hell, even Eldritch knights, as 1D4, 1D6, Dex, and Int on one attack, at up to 120 with disadvantage is not too shabby. Even if it doesn't work, it's still a good for Eldritch Knights regardless.