Casting Time
1 Action
V, S, M *
Until Dispelled
Utility (...)
You touch a closed door, window, gate, container, or hatch and magically lock it for the duration. This lock can’t be unlocked by any nonmagical means. You and any creatures you designate when you cast the spell can open and close the object despite the lock. You can also set a password that, when spoken within 5 feet of the object, unlocks it for 1 minute.
* - (gold dust worth 25+ GP, which the spell consumes)
I love changes like this that make previously forgettable spells actually useful! Imagine slamming a door behind you and casting this on it as you're pursued by enemies. Unless they can cast knock or dispel magic, they're out of luck and stuck!
While I know this is how it basically worked in 2nd edition, this becomes highly problematic for players and adventure designers alike. A single door that has arcane lock placed on it can make some adventures equally unplayable for a party of 1st to 2nd level PCs or a group of 20th level PCs consisting of no classes capable of casting knock or dispel magic. While the 2014 version wasn’t perfect, it allowed for alternative ways to bypass.
Well, the 2014 version also made the door harder to break down. This version doesn't do anything to prevent breaking the door itself, it just makes the lock unable to be picked through mundane means. So knocking the door off its hinges is still an option.