Casting Time
1 Hour
V, S, M *
With a touch, you revive a dead creature if it has been dead no longer than 10 days and it wasn’t Undead when it died.
The creature returns to life with 1 Hit Point. This spell also neutralizes any poisons that affected the creature at the time of death.
This spell closes all mortal wounds, but it doesn’t restore missing body parts. If the creature is lacking body parts or organs integral for its survival—its head, for instance—the spell automatically fails.
Coming back from the dead is an ordeal. The target takes a −4 penalty to D20 Tests. Every time the target finishes a Long Rest, the penalty is reduced by 1 until it becomes 0.
* - (a diamond worth 500+ GP, which the spell consumes)
With the new Exhaustion rules, I'm surprised that didn't just say that the target is revived with 2 or 3 levels of exhaustion instead.
I was thinking this too, but then I checked the rules glossary entry for Dead. By default you maintain the same conditions you had when you died (if their durations aren't up) and your Exhaustion level reduces by 1.
In the case where a creature died via Exhaustion their level upon being revived with Raise Dead would go from 6 to 5, and then to 6 or higher if the spell inflicted any levels of Exhaustion on them. A creature that died of Exhaustion then couldn't be revived by this spell at all. Which would have been a valid way to run things and you could get past it with a combo of Raise Dead then Revivify (or Raise Dead, Revivify, Revivify if you're counting past exhaustion level 6), but that gets convoluted quickly and probably not how they wanted RAW to go.