Casting Time
1 Action
V, S, M *
24 Hours
Ten berries appear in your hand and are infused with magic for the duration. A creature can take a Bonus Action to eat one berry. Eating a berry restores 1 Hit Point, and the berry provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for one day.
Uneaten berries disappear when the spell ends.
* - (a sprig of mistletoe)
When does the spell end if the duration is instantaneous?
Do the berries disappear immediately now? Or do they last until dispel magic is cast on them..?
The spell either ends immediately, or never, depending on interpretation.
My question exactly!
I also asked here:
This is a completely useless spell based on RAW. The magic only last for the duration but the duration is “instantaneous”.
the magic is gone before you can even eat a berry.
I like the Bonus Action to eat one berry, but what about two berries? This was unclear in 2014, and it's worse now.
And yeah, the duration doesn't make sense with, "Uneaten berries disappear when the spell ends."
RAW, this spell does nothing now. Love it.
Duration should be 24 hours, when I actually went into the online PHB it listed it as 24 hours for duration.
Just a data entry bug for the “free version”
So the berries disappear the instant the spell is cast? How are you supposed to eat them? Why does WotC hate Druids so much? They were one of the least played classes at the table and these changes make them so much worse.
I freaking despise this spell. Why is there even a Malnutrition mechanic if this spell and others like it exist??
I don't ban it, instead I have a house rule stating that any character that consumes their daily nutritional needs through a magical source does not regain spell slots during a short or long rest. Allows the players a choice when facing a survival situation. Risk of Exhaustion or loss of spell slots.
Remember, you still need water as of the 2014 edition.