You conjure nature spirits that appear as a Large pack of spectral, intangible animals in an unoccupied space you can see within range. The pack lasts for the duration, and you choose the spirits’ animal form, such as wolves, serpents, or birds.
You have Advantage on Strength saving throws while you’re within 5 feet of the pack, and when you move on your turn, you can also move the pack up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.
Whenever the pack moves within 10 feet of a creature you can see and whenever a creature you can see enters a space within 10 feet of the pack or ends its turn there, you can force that creature to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 3d10 Slashing damage. A creature makes this save only once per turn.
Using a Higher-Level Spell Slot. The damage increases by 1d10 for each spell slot level above 3.
Infinitely more dull and dumb than the previous.
Why not just limit Conjure Animals to one or two beasts rather than breaking the spell entirely? This defeats the entire purpose of being a Druid. All the flavor is gone. So dumb.
This is rad. I love this and the other Conjure updates. Casting this as a Moon Druid? While I am a bear? Shooting moon lasers out of my mouth and capable of speaking? Yea. I'll take it.
People will always find something to complain about honestly
That's just a flaming sphere with fangs and claws.
I know that some DM complained about invocation spells being a hassle to run in combat, but at least they were thematically correct.
Sure, it will slow down the battle, but seeing the druid in my group having fun choosing what animals she's going to bring to the battle was well worth the time.
I feel there was a lot of solution to remake this spell without completely removing it's original purpose and aesthetics. Reduce the number of summons to a max of 4, give a list of summons to pick from in the spell description, or even give a generic stat bloc for a "summoned beast".
Just anything but this generic "dex save or damage" spell.
Yes, and people are entitled to voice their opinions and concerns, especially with what they are not happy with is a company or are you just going to ignore the massive protest of consumers against WoTC? Every new Conjuration spell is just another type of spell pretending to be conjuration, the only summoning spell not effected by any downgrade, is Animate Dead. You can have 6-10 skeletons out, but we draw the line at one CR 2 animal?
Yea, Conjure Animals at a higher casting can be problematic, it's the exact same problem as with Animate Dead as it bogs down combat, this does not fix anything if Animate Dead is still unchanged. It just forces summoners to play a specific summoning class, that they didn't want to play in the first place. Who would have thought a conjuration wizard would want elementals over the dead? Want to play a druid and summon animals? nope, play a class that can use Animate Dead instead.
If you see a problem or not, this effects how people want to pay their character regardless of how you feel, the last issue is that with it already being difficult for people to find DMs, they now have to narrow their search once more to see if they can be a proper summoner, and not use this spell that is pretending to be conjuration.
L.A.M.E. Just lame. Goodbye Shepherd Druid. Goodbye Utility. Goodbye Creativity. Will never use this version in my games.
Definitely sticking with the Legacy version of this spell. When I first approached my DM about the original Conjure Animals spell, we talked through it and agreed on how to keep it fast and efficient. My turns go just as quick as anyone else's, and the whole party loves having my zoo when we're in a fight.
While I like the concept of how this spell functions (it looks like it can potentially do quite a bit of damage over a wide area), it really doesn't fit the feel of a Druid or Ranger. It's more like an amorphous AOE rather than my character tapping into the spirits of nature.
Finally, if the intent was to speed up the round, you've only shifted the burden from Player to DM. Instead of the player making attack rolls for each of their animals (which is often only 1 or 2 larger animals), the DM is going to be spending time rolling saving throws for each of the creatures within a 10' range of this Large (10'x10') pack of spectral animals - that's a 30' diameter sphere if I'm doing my math correctly.
Ya I hope they add another spell that actually summons. this renders Shepard druid unplayable. less beasts should be fine .
they let animate objects have 5 I would have been happy with 2 to 3 beasts . they seems to have double standards on druids vs bards and Wizards.
also this one is save or suck and suck it does.
this spell is weaker then spirit guardians now and you have to wait to get 4th level spellcasting before you get a proper "sprit guardians'
a druid should be more powerful as the strongest primal caster . the spell list they have is too small.
They Massacred My Boy.
It's really more of an alternative to Call Lightning now. Arguably better in some circumstances (no action required to continue doing damage, much bigger area of damage, especially with its movement), though all or nothing as opposed to at least half damage on a successful save for Call Lightning.
It's definitely not really got anything to do with Conjuring Animals, though.
It's a nice spell to have, but we would still like an actual summoning spell, please.
It's called "Conjure Animals" but what you conjure are in fact "nature spirits". This spell is just a sad, pathetic shell of what it used to be.
Your DM would probably let you use the older spell.
The only redeeming quality of this spell is that it's really funny to imagine it as a giant cartoon dust cloud of fighting cats that you can cause to roll in to enemies.
We don't want to summon a cube of intangible wolf-like shapes that trigger a Dex save. We want to SUMMON WOLVES!
How do you interpret the "within 10 feet of a creature" aspect of this? The pack is in a single 5ft square and affects all the squares around it? So a 3x3 sq area = 15ftx15ft? Or is that within 5 ft and it is a 5x5sq area 25ftx25ft?
I interpret the pack as filling a 10x10 as it is a (capital L) " Large pack of spectral, intangible animals" so essentially a 15' radius circle.
This spell feels nothing like Conjure Animals, the name is misleading.
Conjure Animal Spirit would be a better name
It looks like the saving throws are only when someone enters the area or the area moves to them. Shouldn't there be another roll for finishing a turn in the area? It seems that to keep getting damage similar to other spells you'd have to move the animals away then back which seems weird, and complicates a feature that was intended to be simplified.
This spell has been so much fun to use on my moon druid. When I wild shape until a giant spider, I use this to conjure a swarm of spectral spiders. I describe it as an undulating mass of spiders of various sizes ranging from tarantula to dog sized. They crawl around and strike at foes while I do the same. Excellent battle field control and damage output and visually terrifying to enemies.
If you want a real animal, use Summon Beast
this should have another benefit to justify a save or nothing 3rd lvl spell, just Adv on strength saves ain't cutting it.
I don't think I will ever use this over the legacy version, this one offers no flavor and less benefits.