Casting Time
1 Action
60 ft
(5 ft )
V, S, M *
1 Minute
WIS Save
Incapacitated (...)
Each creature of your choice in a 5-foot-radius Sphere centered on a point within range must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or have the Incapacitated condition until the end of its next turn, at which point it must repeat the save. If the target fails the second save, the target has the Unconscious condition for the duration. The spell ends on a target if it takes damage or someone within 5 feet of it takes an action to shake it out of the spell’s effect.
Creatures that don’t sleep, such as elves, or that have Immunity to the Exhaustion condition automatically succeed on saves against this spell.
* - (a pinch of sand or rose petals)
Damn, they nerfed the hell out of this spell. Only 5 ft radius, they get 2 saves before they actually sleep (essentially giving it advantage), AND they gave it the dreaded concentration duration. 1 minute without concentration was the biggest thing going for this spell as well as not being able to save since it was based on current Hit Points. Now any gnome, yuan-ti, or anything else with magic resistance will be able to fight this spell without too much hassle due to essentially double advantage.
It's a nerf at low level. Once enemies start having 25ish HP or more it becomes a massive buff. Fighting an enemy caster with 200hp? Doesn't matter now, Sleep can work on them.
No more putting a whole room full of kobolds to sleep, huh.
Yeah but now “the room of kobolds” is not the only good use of the spell. Previously sleep was great at level 1 to 2, and then never, ever, ever used from level 3 up. This change allows sleep to be really useful and good throughout the spell caster career!