Casting Time
1 Action
S, M *
Guided by a flash of magical insight, you make one attack with the weapon used in the spell’s casting. The attack uses your spellcasting ability for the attack and damage rolls instead of using Strength or Dexterity. If the attack deals damage, it can be Radiant damage or the weapon’s normal damage type (your choice).
Cantrip Upgrade. Whether you deal Radiant damage or the weapon’s normal damage type, the attack deals extra Radiant damage when you reach levels 5 (1d6), 11 (2d6), and 17 (3d6).
* - (a weapon with which you have proficiency and that is worth 1+ CP)
Can i deal sneak attack damage with this spell + the Nick property as a rogue?
Such a massive improvement!
assuming a cleric took magic initiate to get this spell, would it work with divine strike since it is an attack with a weapon?
@streaminganddragons nick- no. this spell does not use the attack action. sneak attack- yes.
Major upgrade! This can be really awesome on a rogue gish!
Would this work with the Celestial Warlocks 6th level radiant soul feature?
This is not even True Strike anymore...not that we miss a lot
Suddenly, the Strength-dumping mono-classed Wizards were no longer easy prey for the Shadows, as they now had a reliable and always-usable means of hitting them with Radiant damage (both at-range under normal circumstances and up-close in emergencies).
Damn now it's just another boring damage cantrip. Wish they left this one alone, the old version was much more useful.
>famously the most useless cantrip in the game, outpaced by the strategy of "making two different attacks"
Why is this not available to clerics? A class that actually does fighting.
Yes, with True Strike you're still making and hitting with a normal weapon attack roll. All the other provisions about Advantage, weapon properties, etc. still apply though.
No, for the same reason that it does not work with Agonizing Blast -- the cantrip is not "dealing damage"; your weapon attack is dealing *extra* damage.
Radiant Soul requires that it be a "spell you cast [that] deals Radiant...damage" and requires that damage to be inflicted against "against one of the spell’s targets." True Strike does not have a target and only has a range of "self" so no other creature could conceivably be the target anyway.
Casting True Strike would be a Magic Action not the Attack Action so Nick wouldn't come into affect unless DM rules otherwise.
Nick - When you make the extra attack of the Light property, you can make it as part of the Attack action instead of as a Bonus Action. You can make this extra attack only once per turn.
Yay, we made the spell useful at the cost of its identity and devaluing martials even further!
Oh, I see, I didn't quite get that they were asking if they can deliver it through the Nick attack. I was just saying that they can deliver Sneak Attack damage generally through True Strike (with all the standard caveats for Sneak Attack), not specifically as part of the Nick attack though.
I would say yes for sure. “You make one attack” with your weapon so as long as you had advantage on the attack or the target is already engaged in battle when you are hitting (or all the other tricks like help actions, help) then yes you will get your sneak attack damage.
To me it ends up being the only Weapon Mastery that you cannot do with True Strike, but ye you are right with Sneak Attack as that just applies to the hit with a finesse weapon not the type of action.
Hmmm. This could be useful for a Valor Bard. Especially once they get Extra Attack.
Similar for Eldritch Knight with War Magic. Though all it does then is extra damage (and radiant damage), assuming DEX or STR is equal or greater than INT.
I suppose it’s useful for Wizards and Sorcerers who have been caught in melee.
Warlock has better options