Base Class: Rogue
This shadowy group of wood elves are stealthy, dark defenders of the wilderness, the creepers in to campsites at night who slit throats or administer poisons with effects that vary along the spectrum from hallucinatory to deadly depending on the seriousness of the message to be delivered). They share a purpose with some wood elven Soulblades (silent, lethal guardians of the wild), but instead of psionics they use a familiarity with woodland stealth and guerilla warfare which intensive training since early childhood has honed to the point where it seems to the rúatan cenca as if it were indeed some kind of mental or sorcerous power. They enhance these with specific spells and cantrips drawn mostly from the druid and ranger spell lists and curated by Taurë Tavári griots over the millenia to only contain the spells they need in their specialized profession; but to contain, of those, the wide assortment of highly purpose-specialized tools you would expect in the hands of any other professional.
In the most traditional cultures, this group is an exclusive mystery cult of wood elven females, but with the upheavals that have been rolling their combers through (( )) wood elven society, Taurë Tavárii cults in forests within that region generally tend to be at various stages of the more or less bloody (depending where that particular group is on the paralell evolution from the traditional, primal wood elven method of settling differences and more "civilized" (some would say corrupted), sublimated contests that don't involve actual fatalities or permanently disabling injuries) war between the sexes that will eventually determine the direction towards tradition or change the culture as a whole takes; since the oldest wood elven saying known translates as something roughly resembling, "As the Taurë Tavárii walk today, so walks the clan tomorrow"
On surviving their initiation ritual at level 3, Taurë Tavárii are entrusted with a traditional body of magical lore, accumulated and more importantly edited by countless generations of Taurë Tavárii ancestors to include only the tools useful in their highly specialized trade ... but of those a large assortment. These are mostly spells drawn from the druid and ranger list, though there are a few from elsewhere that are either obviously useful in a forest-stalker scout mystery cult, or which the Taurë Tavárii have made so. Essentially the magic they have access to can be described as that which is drawn either from nature (druid, ranger) or from ones' own inborn spirit and dream (bard, sorcerer).
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Nature and Survival skills if you don’t already have it. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of those proficiencies.
Slip aside into shadows
By the time of their initiation ordeal at 3rd level, the Taurë Tavári has learned how to land a strike and then slip away into the shadows. During your turn, if you and another creature are in an area that is dimly lit (cloudy winter late afternoon or dimmer) or has natural cover to at least the level of a sparsely wooded copse, any melee attack you make against that creature which succeeded by 3 or more over the number you needed to hit causes any attacks that creature makes against you for the next three rounds to be made with disadvantage. In addition, the Taurë Tavári gradually learns to do this is a way that distracts and disconcerts the enemy, throwing them off balance in such a way that any attacks they make against the companions of a 9th level or higher Taurë Tavári are also made with disadvantage provided those creatures remain within 10 feet of the Taurë Tavári.
Sound camouflage
By 9th level the Taurë Tavári is able to utilize and manipulate the natural acoustic environment to further their deceptions. By making specific sounds at specific times, manipulating echoes, and similar such means, they can cause one aspect of a sound to appear different to listeners within 50 feet of them. For instance, if there were two women talking behind a screen of trees, out of sight of the listeners, this ability could EITHER make the listener think they sounded like males, OR that there were more than two of them, but not both. Any listeners must make an INT check against the Taurë Tavári's INT; if they fail, their minds will so strongly believe the deception that they will actually physically perceive the sound as altered, as indistinguishably from reality as if it had been done by an illusion spell the creature failed to disbelieve.
Multiply shadows
By using a combination of fey magic and the woodland war tricks of camouflage and shadow they have learned over the centuries, the most experienced Taurë Tavári can create what is essentially an illusionary effect causing their foes to misperceive any group they are accompanying (within 10' or less of three or more members). Starting at 13th level, they can affect up to three aspects of the group's appearance by +/-50%. For instance, they could make the group appear as if it had up to 50% more or fewer creatures in it than it actually does; make those creatures appear 50% larger or smaller,, and make them seem 50% more puny or burly than they actually are. Because this is not an entirely magical effect, it is not defeated by effects that dispel magic or illusions, and disbelieving it successfully simply allows one to rationally know by some sort of evidence that the true state of the case must be <*thus and so*> ... but it still LOOKS as if what the Taurë Tavári has arranged the appearance of is in fact so.
If the Taurë Tavári has appropriate skills in tracking or what have you, they can also affect other sorts of evidence about the group similarly as appropriate to the skill and common sense.
This ability presupposes that the group is in a terrain type the Taurë Tavári knows well enough to do this. When they first gain the ability at 13th level, they choose one terrain type from the ranger list; a new type is added every 3 levels thereafter.
Woods and wards
The most experienced Taurë Tavári are able to weave together their woodcraft, natural magic and faerie panache to guard an area of woodland. Although they are normally unable to use spells higher than level 4, the admixture of woodcraft, optical illusion, magic, and roguery allow them to replicate the effects of the level 6 guards and wards spell three times per long rest (plus one use for each point of their INT bonus) at 17th level and above. For this purpose, read "paths" for corridors; instead of illusions that doors are solid walls, illusions can be placed that open paths are blocked by impassable briars, rockfalls, or similar things; and webs and other magical effects can be created anywhere in the area, assuming that basic requirements such as anchor points for the webs are met,
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