Base Class: Bard
Bards of the College of Dance are fearless performers who entertain and enchant their audiences with endearing, seductive, or technically impressive choreography, while using the same skill set to strike unexpectedly at their enemies.
Star Dancer
When you join the College of Dance at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Acrobatics and Performance. If you already have proficiency in either or both of these skills, double your proficiency bonus for any ability check you make that uses Acrobatics or Performance.
Unencumbered Moves
Beginning at 3rd level, while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.
Aggressive Choreography
Also at 3rd level, your graceful dancing allows you to suddenly attack your foes with flexibility and force.
You gain the following benefits while you are aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield:
- You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes.
- You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strikes.
- If you use your action to make an Attack or to cast a spell, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
Extra Attack
Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Empowered Choreography
Also at 6th level, your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. In addition, the damage from your unarmed strikes increases to a d6.
Enchanting Choreography
At 14th level, you may add your Charisma modifier to the attack and damage rolls for your unarmed strikes. In addition, the damage from your unarmed strikes increases to a d8, and you no longer provoke opportunity attacks after making an unarmed strike on your turn.
Man, I loved it! It's basically a Bard Monksinger. And I don't think it's broken tbh, I think it's almost on the same level of a Bladesinger.
Feels like you’re slapping them with a soggy piece of bread
Wouldn't this just make you a CHA monk?
I think the intent of this language was to say that if you make an unarmed strike on your turn you don't provoke opportunity attacks for the rest of the turn, but the wording is kind of awkward and not specific enough. Compare the third bullet point of the Mobile feat, which also specifies what creatures the inability to make opportunity attacks applies to (just the ones you attack).
The other issue with the L14 feature is that adding CHA to your attack (in addition to DEX) goes outside the design of bounded accuracy. Adding a second ability score modifier to damage is one thing, but putting it on attack seems both irregular and unnecessary - by this level you should be regularly hitting most things.
"you no longer provoke opportunity attacks after making an unarmed strike on your turn." Unarmed attacks don't provoke opportunity checks already, and if they did, this would be too high of a level to get it.
If anybody is interested, I have made a homebrew heavily based on this one that works in the sheet (also balanced it down as I felt this subclass has much more features than the official bard colleges).
And this is a newer version where I tried to make it even more in the style of the official colleges:
Sorry if it's rude to post this here.
Nearly the end of July and the character sheet issues are still not fixed.
has the character sheet been updated? Interested in getting this but don't want the same problem others have described.
so you become a monk?
When the bard just gotta bard on the monk. There is now no class the bard cannot usurp.
And I love it.
Seriously, I bought Xanathar's thinking that I'd get this. Fix it please!
Information isn't showing up on the character sheet.
I really want to use this, but the needed information isn't showing up on the character sheet.
oh, I know. just...the class and subclass both said things I could benefit from it again. I Didn't realize those two didn't stack.
Just in the future you GENERALLY cannot gain the same benefit twice unless it says otherwise. For example you cannot take the same fighting style twice by multiclassing, its totally okay that ya goofed up a bit, everyone botches the rules when they are new!
oh! sorry, I am very new to playing, and we weren't sure how to rule that. we just assumed that the issue was imbalanced and but the DM said it was fine because "it's only performance. but still, +13, christ."
You cant benefit twice from bonuses like expertise, so technically you should retain your +10 bonus, not a +13
I rolled this up for a campaign that starts with fifth level characters. my background is entertainer. at third level, bards can double two proficiencies. I don't know how doubling a proficiency twice is SUPPOSED to work, but I tripled it instead of doubling twice. 5th level bard, that's +9 on proficiency in performance. using the point buy system and having my race be aasimar, I have a +4 in charisma.
with this subclass, I have +13 in all performance rolls.
PLZ fix not showing up.