Base Class: Cleric
Some believe that creation and destruction are two sides of the same coin. Those that respect the power and danger of fire while admiring it’s beauty and light are drawn to the worship of The Phoenix. A neutral though benevolent spirit, they promote the often conflicting ideals of renewal and resurrection and yet relentless destructive power. Life and death are a cycle to be celebrated, enjoyed, and continued. Clerics who follow the Phoenix understand that new life can come from the ashes of destruction, the power of fire can both heal and harm, and that adapting to change is the most powerful constant.
Special thanks: Adam Walton, Dustin Fletcher, Eugenio Vargas, & James Haeck
Phoenix Domain Spells
1st - Burning Hands, Cure Wounds
3rd - Flaming Sphere, Gentle Repose
5th - Fireball, Revivify
7th - Wall of Fire, Death Ward
9th - Flame Strike, Raise Dead
Bonus Cantrip
When you choose this domain at 1st level you gain the produce flame cantrip. For you this cantrip counts as a cleric cantrip.
Warmth of the Flame
Also at 1st level, the destruction of your foes brings warmth to your allies. Whenever you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that does fire damage, one creature of your choice that you can see regains hit points equal to 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Channel Divinity: Explosion of Life
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to protect your allies with an aura of flames.
As an action, you present your holy symbol, and a sphere of fiery light emanates from you. The sphere is centered on you, has a 30-foot radius, and is filled with bright light. The sphere moves with you, and it lasts for 1 minute or until you are incapacitated or die. Whenever a creature (including you) ends its turn in the sphere, you can grant that creature one of these benefits (no action required, their choice):
- The fire bolsters their vitality, giving 1d8 temporary hit points
- The fire protects, granting resistance to fire damage until the end of their next turn
Rise From The Ashes
Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to offer new life from the ashes of destruction. When you cast a cleric spell that will return a creature from the dead, you can choose to cast the spell without needing any material components, instead using the energy of your own fire to fuel the spell. When you cast the spell in this way the creature returns to life with all of their hit points, and does not suffer from any penalties from coming back from the dead. However the effort taxes you greatly; if you have cast Revivify you take a −2 penalty to all attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks, or a -4 penalty for Raise Dead, Resurrection, and True Resurrection. Every time you finish a long rest the penalty is reduced by 1 until it disappears.
Potent Spellcasting
Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.
Avatar of Destruction
Starting at 17th level, the power of the Phoenix can save you from death while punishing those who would try to harm you. If you drop to 0 hit points or are outright killed, your body and all of your equipment is immediately reduced to ash. At the end of your next turn you and your equipment are resurrected in an explosion of fire with half your hit points restored, and each creature of your choice within 30 feet of you takes fire damage equal to 2d10 + your cleric level.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
I love Phoenix's! I feel like 5e definitely nerfed them compared to previous editions. Sorry, squirreled off there.
I asked my DM if I can try this subclass out, gonna be testing it next Friday. Super stoked ^-^
Just a thought. Mayb for a warlock, think you could make a... Dark Phoenix patron? 😁
This is an amazing Cleric subclass and it fits ridiculously well into Explorer's Guide to Wildemount.
Looks very fun. Happy to see a class based on mythical creatures that aren't dragons (I know, blasphemy).
Hi everyone! Thanks for all the feedback! I've been compiling all the suggestions as well as excited to hear the feedback from people who are going to play the subclass in games coming up! A lot of balance questions are being looked's interesting to see some people think a power is OP at the same time others want to make it stronger. I can't respond to everyone, but I promise I've read all your comments and version 2 is being worked on right now with some of the more immediate tweeks.
One of them being...
That's a good point, I'll get that switched in v2!
I feel like there's an error being overlooked in the Explosion of Life ability.
The Fire Resistance granted by this ability triggers on the end of THEIR turn, but wears off at the end of YOUR turn, which means that there is a gap in the effect between your turn and when it gets back around to their turn again.
This means that if your allies are ahead of you in initiative order, and the fire damage dealing enemies are after you in turn order, then the fire resist is useless, as it has worn off already.
It should last until the end of THEIR next turn, which is when they gain the benefits of this feature again.
After my first comment, I've noticed/realized some things that change what I originally said. Just some quick tweaks to what I thought. Firstly, I did not notice that a similar resurrection feature like Avatar of Destruction existed in the Celestial Warlock. My bad! Since something similar exists in official material, it's probably fine. The numbers for your feature also make sense now after looking at the Celestial. With Warmth of the Flame, I can understand why people think it's too strong, due to no range cap other than "that you can see". I'd still say buff up the healing amount due to the restrictions, but maybe capping the range would balance it out a bit.
Again, hope all the eyes and voices on this help out!
Not bad, but I think this subclass contributes with an issue 5e has: Characters sometime are really hard to kill and this cleric would make a party inmortal. I wouldn´t say this makes it OP necause character deaths don't occur every session, but it would reduce the risk of death even more. I like it but if I had one of these clercis in my party, I'd feel inmortal and wouldn't be afraid of anything my GM puts in front of me. Also the channel divinity is completely broken at low levels, but at least it's just a nice bonus at high levels, so I won't complain about that.
This domain amuses me on a number of levels, partly based on being pointed out to it today. I've had genuine respawns from death, and it's a birthday. So seeing a resurrection focused cleric domain on a birthday is funny. And I happen to have a fascination with mythical creatures like the phoenix and its lore.
That said, I think the level 6 ability could be reworked. Being able to cast revival spells with an alternate cost is nice, but I'd have thought exhaustion levels would be good. Having the feature further change Revivify to bring the target back up to full hit points is a bit too powerful there. Might I suggest an alternative to always bringing the target back to full health? Namely, make Revivify have an increase to range from touch to within 30 feet. It's the only one with a short enough cast time where such a range change makes any sense.
This is perfect! I had a character idea related to a baby pheonix and this will due nicely for that!
Hi I commented this on Nerd Immersions video but I realized that posting it here was the better move:
For the last ability (resurrection part) you could word it like this: At the start of your next turn, you and all your equipment are resurrected, in the square where you died or the nearest unoccupied space standing up, with half hitpoints in an explosion of fire and healing, each creature of your choosing (including you) within 30 ft of you are affected by one of the following effects:
As part of resurrecting this way, you can spend a use of your Channel Divinity to activate Exploding Light.
Once you use this feature you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
This makes the ability stronger and more thematically appropriate I hope. It also ties into all the aspects of the subclass so I think it a really cool capstone :D
If you don't want all of it the last part about spending a use of your Channel Divinity to activate Exploding light I really think that is the best part so please consider that the most.
This is an amazing domain, rich in themes and gives the cleric plenty of (pardon the pun) firepower!
A couple of quick thoughts for possible improvements:
1. For Warmth of the Flame, latest UA materials have been connecting the Number of Uses to the Proficiency Bonus instead of the spellcasting modifier. With this change, you're always guaranteed at least two uses of the feature, and eventually you'll get more uses (6 versus 5 if at 20 WIS) of the feature by 17th Level.
1a. Should there be a range limit for the heal? As is, this is already a better alternative to Healing Word, but without a range this might even push out Cure Wounds. (Yes the overall healing potential is reduced, but the limitless range coupled with this ability allowing you to attack and heal is incredible for a 1st Level ability.)
2. For Avatar of Destruction, perhaps have the resurrection act like Reincarnate to capture the sense of "rising from the ashes stronger than the last" and serve as some form of counterbalance to guaranteeing an nigh-unkillable character?
I truly love the way each feature reinforces the theme, and Rise From the Ashes is a fascinating implementation of hard-numbered penalties (-2, -4, etc.) rather than flat disadvantage.
Even without any changes, I'd be excited to introduce this option to my players in my next campaign!
Looks cool, and could see some hooks about THE pheonix and the purple one in exandria.
Looks fun. You’re a legend. Keep it up darlin
Thank you for the feedback! I'll consider adding radiant damage to the list for Warmth of the Flame... right now that ability is getting the most back and forth with it's power level. Some think it's too strong, others not strong enough, so I'm going to collect more feedback. But your point about clarifying where you reappear for Avatar of Destruction is a really good one and I'll work on making that more specific in v2!
Thanks for all the feedback! Warmth of the Flame is certainly getting a lot of back and forth, some like you saying it's not powerful enough, others saying it's too OP! I'm going to keep taking feedback and see if a consensus appears. Rise from the Ashes might be too strong, but as you point out at that level things are pretty wild, and you essentially loose a full turn being brought back to life. I'll consider reducing the amount of hit points you return with, maybe that will help a bit!
Finding a game is always the hardest part of D&D! Good luck!
Thank you, glad you're excited about it!
This looks like it would be a lot of fun to play! The lore behind the subclass is pretty consistent with what you've built up with Orkira in the shows she's been in and goes a bit beyond what's typical for the normal "light" deities to make for a deeper and more interesting entity to be devoted to.
Mechanics are very well-balanced with nothing that makes me feel like I wouldn't look forward to getting a particular ability. The domain spells are very appropriate and fit the "two sides of the same coin" aspect you establish with the subclass lore. I recognize some aspects of the Wildfire druid and Twilight cleric within the lore and subclass abilities and I like how you put your own unique twist on them, particularly the Channel Divinity ability.
The Rise From the Ashes ability really sticks out as good because it gives players a chance to really show some devotion and make a potentially difficult but crucial choice when reviving a fallen character. If you're out of diamonds (and if you've played a cleric, you've been there at some point), you have the opportunity to demonstrate selflessness and sacrifice and actually take on a burden for a short time in a way that is significant but not so detrimental that your own character can no longer function effectively, and in return you're rewarded with a more effective revival than you'd normally see.
The only changes I'd suggest focus on the Warmth of the Flames. I'd expand this to also include spells that deal radiant damage. As it is now, there aren't many spells for clerics aside from the ones on the domain list that deal fire damage, so including radiant spells would give a player more opportunities to use this ability, especially at lower levels. I'd also consider adding additional damage equal to the spell's level so it scales up a bit at higher levels.
One final thing is with Avatar of Destruction. I'd just clarify the language to specify whether you reappear in the last space you occupied or somewhere else.
Beyond that, excellent work! I'd love to see this become official someday and I hope you consider making more subclasses in the future.
Hi there, random internet person working on homebrew stuff here! Overall, this looks pretty good and has a clear theme, but there is a little room for modification (in my opinion!). I saw this on Twitter and thought I'd toss in some constructive criticism, in order of the features. Starting with Warmth of the Flame, I'd say it's a good start, but think it's dialed down a bit too much. Compare it to something similar from the Warlock Celestial Patron, and this feature appears to have more handicaps with fewer benefits. If you leave the requirements of (a) casting a spell that (b) deals fire damage, I'd say buff it up a bit. Maybe up the dice to a d8, or give it some scaling like an additional hit point per spell level, or temporary fire damage resistance. The channel divinity fits, but would definitely be a big point of contention in games as-written. Currently, as written, you could give every creature you wanted in a 30ft radius an unending temp up barrier for 10 rounds (might be wrong on that number). Even though temp up isn't additive, any creature could get a larger number on a successive roll, or constantly soak damage via the temp up. I'd say give it some scaling (proficiency, wisdom, etc.) But limit the amount of times a creature can benefit from one use of the channel divinity. I'd say the same thing for the fire resistance, but that's not nearly as dangerous. Fire resistance for 10 rounds is probably fine. Rise from the Ashes is highly thematic and SUPER interesting, especially for more purist dnd players (I know a lot of people tend to not deal with material costs anyway, but don't plan/balance around that). For the final feature, I get the idea and theme and everything, but it's kinda broken. Essentially, every 8 hours, you can just die. With no downsides. I get that character are supposed to be strong as they near level 20, but this is just too much. The Mystic had a similar ability, except it was a low chance. We all know how the Mystic fared in the community. If you stick with this idea, you need to give it downsides and/or a larger cool down. Your best bet is probably to need it in the same way you did for your second big feature: impart negatives to rolls/saves for a bit to discourage Rez spam.
Regardless, these are all just my thoughts on this. I love the idea behind it all, and hope you're ultimately happy with it! I hope the points I've made help out, even if you don't use them exactly!
Awesome! Now to find a game to play it in.... 🤗
Love this Homebrew!
What an awesome balance of navigating the potency of the class beyond healing by having the class features and channel divinity support fellow party members without allocation of direct heals.