The 2024 D&D Free Rules offer a foundational resource to start playing with the new 2024 core ruleset! Dive into the revised rules and classes from the 2024 Player's Handbook today!
See what you missed at D&D Direct, from news on the 2024 Core Rulebooks and other upcoming books, Project Sigil, and more!
You're invited to D&D Direct to see what the future of D&D holds in store! Click here for a preview of what big announcements you can expect and when to tune in.
Dungeons & Dragons returns to Comic-Con International on July 24-28! Click here to see what encounters we have lined up!
Today, we’re thrilled to announce the expansion of the fifth edition Systems Reference Document (SRD 5.2), which will include updated content from the 2024 core rulebooks and be made available under Creative Commons License.
On April 30, we released a new version of the D&D Beyond marketplace. Here's what you'll find has changed.
Dungeons & Dragons is coming to PAX Unplugged 2023, from Dec 1-3! Check out what epic D&D events we have planned for this year!
Dungeons & Dragons is coming to Gen Con, from Aug 3-6! Click here to learn what we have planned for this year!
Read up on the menagerie of monsters featured in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, and how you might use them in your home game!
A D&D Minecraft DLC. A sneak peek at the D&D VTT. A life-sized mimic figure? If you missed D&D Direct and the post-show celebration, here's everything you need to catch up!
Kale Stutzman, the game director behind the D&D VTT, gives an inside look at the goals behind the project, the latest news, and more information on what you saw at D&D Direct.
Local game stores in the U.S. and Canada are hosting D&D events where you can learn to play with a 30-minute demo adventure! You can also jump into the Prisoner 13 adventure from Keys from the Golden Vault!
Over the past few weeks you, the community, have made your voices heard. And we’ve listened. OGL 1.0a will remain untouched AND the entire SRD 5.1 is now available under a Creative Commons license.
Get the latest news on OGL 1.2 and see answers to commonly asked questions here.
In this article, you can review a draft of OGL 1.2, submit feedback via survey, and learn about a Creative Commons license that puts D&D's core mechanics into your hands.
These past days and weeks have been incredibly tough for everyone. As players, fans, and stewards of the game, we can't–and we won't–let things continue like this. I am here today to talk about a path forward.
Although we are not yet able to release the OGL at this time, we would like to update you on how things are developing, and the goals we have in mind for a new OGL.
We love the interest and passion the community has for D&D. We love D&D, too. So, when we see the D&D community concerned by rumors and misunderstandings, we want to clear the air and share the facts with you, even if it's a bit earlier than our original plan.
We understand "race" is a problematic term that has had prejudiced links between real world people and the fantasy peoples of D&D worlds.
We wanted to acknowledge and own the inclusion of offensive material within our recent Spelljammer: Adventures in Space content. We failed you, our players and our fans, and we are truly sorry.