I've been trying to convince my DM to let my bard adventure with a "one man band" kit. Drum on his back and symbols on his hands. Currently he only has jester shoes, and I'm desperate to complete the whole package.
I fully support the theremin idea. If not magical, maybe you can find a good tinker gnome ;)
My bard recently won a poetry competition at a festival and the prize was "The Hurdy Gurdy of Exquisite Doggerel" The entire party was dying for me to win, just so I could get that ridiculous instrument.
I'm still looking for a magical instrument that can change into a sword and back... or vice versa. Otherwise I might have to hire some roadies, cause what self-respecting bard wants to lug around all his/her own gear?
I'm still looking for a magical instrument that can change into a sword and back... or vice versa. Otherwise I might have to hire some roadies, cause what self-respecting bard wants to lug around all his/her own gear?
I seriously considered rolling with bagpipes, but my DM was really gungho about the classic bard with a lute, so I gave in.
I also believe "voice" should be seriously considered. I almost went with the concept of a bardbarian, strolling through battle singing and swinging. One day...
I'm still looking for a magical instrument that can change into a sword and back... or vice versa. Otherwise I might have to hire some roadies, cause what self-respecting bard wants to lug around all his/her own gear?
I too have a Hurdy-gurdy using bard, but my DM did suggest the theremin too, which I think is great utility-wise, as it is smaller and probably easier to carry around than a didgeridoo.
My group is about to embark on a goblinoid campaign, and the DM really wants someone (me) to play a bard (I already waited for everyone else to pick, and [of course] nobody picked support roles). I'm thinking a Kazoo would be appropriate in this case, especially for the ridiculous in-character role play potential, but I'm open to other suggestions...
In the spirit of offering up more outlandish choices, I give you the Kazoo... and Bagpipes!
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When the people of the future learn of my deeds, they'll surely say he was human - mistakes were made
Well, I already try to play a half-orc bard (Yep, its wierd). Even a half-orc is not a charismatic person, I always try to interpretate iconic characters with a well elaborated backgroud so like everyone knows that a drummers band is extremally helpful encouraging an army. I've decidet to create a drummer half-orc who used to play as a war ritual to encourage the orc armies.
Well, I already try to play a half-orc bard (Yep, its wierd). Even a half-orc is not a charismatic person, I always try to interpretate iconic characters with a well elaborated backgroud so like everyone knows that a drummers band is extremally helpful encouraging an army. I've decidet to create a drummer half-orc who used to play as a war ritual to encourage the orc armies.
Half-Orc Valor Bard with massive strength lugging around a pipe organ on his back. That's my jam right there.
The weirdest my main bard has is a kazoo, other then that a viola and is proficient in organs. While maybe not weird I also made a religious bard who uses instruments like a reliquary bell and other religious instruments, I feel interesting instrum ente make for certain types of bards! Always try to be creative but also nothing wrong with a lute.
Anyone else go buck wild with their instruments? Currently deciding between didgeridoo, and a magical theremin.
Not I, I'm a traditionalist when it comes to the instruments themselves.
My latest bard has gone for the classic lute n' flute combo.
Lute for proper performances, flute for quick ditties and combat - it's easier for him to switch to the smaller instrument after weapon attacks.
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I've been trying to convince my DM to let my bard adventure with a "one man band" kit. Drum on his back and symbols on his hands. Currently he only has jester shoes, and I'm desperate to complete the whole package.
I fully support the theremin idea. If not magical, maybe you can find a good tinker gnome ;)
My bard recently won a poetry competition at a festival and the prize was "The Hurdy Gurdy of Exquisite Doggerel" The entire party was dying for me to win, just so I could get that ridiculous instrument.
My current character is a gnome bard and plays a ukelele.
I'm still looking for a magical instrument that can change into a sword and back... or vice versa. Otherwise I might have to hire some roadies, cause what self-respecting bard wants to lug around all his/her own gear?
Third one down: https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells?filter-class=1&filter-search=&filter-sub-class=&filter-concentration=&filter-ritual=&filter-unlocked-content=&sort=-name
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I seriously considered rolling with bagpipes, but my DM was really gungho about the classic bard with a lute, so I gave in.
I also believe "voice" should be seriously considered. I almost went with the concept of a bardbarian, strolling through battle singing and swinging. One day...
Pff, how much do your instruments weigh?
Maybe you need to College of Lore/Magic Initiate your way to an early familiar as well to help out.
Also let's not forget the amazing club that, even without magic, doubles as a drumstick. VT Productions Disclaimer: sound quality may vary.
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I have a Lore Bard with a Hurdy Gurdy and play some music on my phone whenever I hand out inspiration. Other players usually love it.
I too have a Hurdy-gurdy using bard, but my DM did suggest the theremin too, which I think is great utility-wise, as it is smaller and probably easier to carry around than a didgeridoo.
My bard used to have a flute and guitar but he traded them in for the superior "can of coins and a metal spoon" combo.
My room may be cold, but my heart is also cold.
My group is about to embark on a goblinoid campaign, and the DM really wants someone (me) to play a bard (I already waited for everyone else to pick, and [of course] nobody picked support roles). I'm thinking a Kazoo would be appropriate in this case, especially for the ridiculous in-character role play potential, but I'm open to other suggestions...
In the spirit of offering up more outlandish choices, I give you the Kazoo... and Bagpipes!
Well, I already try to play a half-orc bard (Yep, its wierd). Even a half-orc is not a charismatic person, I always try to interpretate iconic characters with a well elaborated backgroud so like everyone knows that a drummers band is extremally helpful encouraging an army. I've decidet to create a drummer half-orc who used to play as a war ritual to encourage the orc armies.
The weirdest my main bard has is a kazoo, other then that a viola and is proficient in organs. While maybe not weird I also made a religious bard who uses instruments like a reliquary bell and other religious instruments, I feel interesting instrum ente make for certain types of bards! Always try to be creative but also nothing wrong with a lute.
Is there anyone who plays a classical Ocarina? =O
Actually, yes! My bard has an ocarina, a gittern (proto-guitar), and a bodhran (celtic drum).