I used to play an aarakocra warlock. I am switching to a paladin, most likely oath of the ancients. I loved the aarakocra flight speed, but they cannot wear more than light armor, so I was considering the winged tiefling from the sword coast adventurer's guide. Would this be a bad idea because it ruins my Paladin cred? is the flight speed worth it, or will it be useless as a paladin?
Ill say that a huge bonus to flying is the ability to utilize ranged attacks so that you stay out of range from any of opponents. So either taking magic initiate, spell sniper, or dipping into Sorcerer/Warlock for those cantrips would be a solid idea.
As for aesthetic, I would say ask you DM if you can reskin your Tiefling as a Satyr, theyre cloven hooved humanoids who are from another plane that common folk wouldn't trust. Just remember to switch out Infernal for Sylvan.
I used to play an aarakocra warlock. I am switching to a paladin, most likely oath of the ancients. I loved the aarakocra flight speed, but they cannot wear more than light armor, so I was considering the winged tiefling from the sword coast adventurer's guide. Would this be a bad idea because it ruins my Paladin cred? is the flight speed worth it, or will it be useless as a paladin?
Ill say that a huge bonus to flying is the ability to utilize ranged attacks so that you stay out of range from any of opponents. So either taking magic initiate, spell sniper, or dipping into Sorcerer/Warlock for those cantrips would be a solid idea.
As for aesthetic, I would say ask you DM if you can reskin your Tiefling as a Satyr, theyre cloven hooved humanoids who are from another plane that common folk wouldn't trust. Just remember to switch out Infernal for Sylvan.
Or just be a DEX Aarakocra Paladin with the duelist fighting style and a rapier in studded leather.
Regardless, there is no such thing as conflicting race/class in 5e.
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile.