Starting at 2nd level, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one spell slot to deal radiant damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d8. The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is an undead or a fiend, to a maximum of 6d8.
Improved Divine Smite
By 11th level, you are so suffused with righteous might that all your melee weapon strikes carry divine power with them. Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon, the creature takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage.
Ok so say have an 11th level Pal. They attack with a longsword which is 1D8, according to Improved Divine Smite all of his attacks get an extra 1D8 radiant automatically, then cause use their spell slots to add even more radiant damage?
Ok so say have an 11th level Pal. They attack with a longsword which is 1D8, according to Improved Divine Smite all of his attacks get an extra 1D8 radiant automatically, then can use their spell slots to add even more radiant damage?
Punches aren't "melee weapon attacks", so no smites can be applied to them, unfortunately.
The phrase “melee weapon attack” is used pretty often, it doesn’t literally mean an attack with an actual weapon. It’s a melee attack that is made with an unarmed strike, melee weapon, improvised weapon, etc. And of course any game feature that uses the term to describe a melee weapon attack, like a dragon’s claws.
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Rumors of my awesomeness have been greatly unexaggerated.
"It is our choices ... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." — Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
About 50% of my brain power is devoted to thinking up eloquent speeches that I’ll probably never use.
Punches aren't "melee weapon attacks", so no smites can be applied to them, unfortunately.
The phrase “melee weapon attack” is used pretty often, it doesn’t literally mean an attack with an actual weapon. It’s a melee attack that is made with an unarmed strike, melee weapon, improvised weapon, etc. And of course any game feature that uses the term to describe a melee weapon attack, like a dragon’s claws.
Improved smite calls out to hit with a weapon, as do most of the smite spells. So even if you allowed a smite on a punch, improved and spell smites wouldn't work.
After rereading the text for Improved Divine Smite, it’s kind of ambiguous, the text says, “with a melee weapon,” and since an unarmed strike can be used for a melee weapon attack I would be inclined to say that it would apply. Then again with the way it’s worded it I think it could be argued either way.
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Rumors of my awesomeness have been greatly unexaggerated.
"It is our choices ... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." — Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
About 50% of my brain power is devoted to thinking up eloquent speeches that I’ll probably never use.
After rereading the text for Improved Divine Smite, it’s kind of ambiguous, the text says, “with a melee weapon,” and since an unarmed strike can be used for a melee weapon attack I would be inclined to say that it would apply. Then again with the way it’s worded it I think it could be argued either way.
Unarmed strikes are melee weapon attacks, they are not attacks with a melee weapon. Various mechanics use the phrases, but they are always consistent about what they mean.
I would say that Paladin's should be able to use a 5th level spell slot to use for Divine Smite making an attacked fiend take 7d8, which turns to 8d8 because of 8d8. I have a better idea. Give him Green-Flame Blade, Holy Weapon, Banishing Smite, Divine Smite, Improved Divine Smite, Dueling Fighting style, Holy Avenger Longsword, Half-Orc Savage Attacks & Orcish Fury, and Strength modifier(+6, Manual of Exercise). You activate Holy Weapon as a bonus action when you hit and make it explode; and the fiend fails at the throw. 3d8+2d8+4d8+5d10+7d8+1d8+1d8+2d10+3+2+6-> 19d8+7d10+11-> Min=37, Max=233, Avg=135. Let's say that you crit and double all of the dice. 2(3d8)+2(2d8)+4d8+2(5d10)+2(7d8)+2(1d8)+2(1d8)+1d8+1d8+2(2d10)+11-> 34d8+14d10+11-> Min=59, Max=423, Avg=241. Holy @#*%, that is a lot of damage. If you found a way to get your two 5th level spell slots back in the next round, and use Green Flame Blade, you could seriously possibly kill Tiamat or any creature with CR 30 in two rounds. If you did max damage for crits for normal dice, your minimum and average are going to change. That is stupid good. Paladins can deal the most damage of everyone in a single attack. Nobody should mess with a Paladin or a Fighter for martial classes. They scary.
Paladins don’t get green flame blade, though I suppose they could take a magic initiate feat to get it. And holy weapon and banishing smite are both concentration spells so you can’t have both at once, unless someone else casts holy weapon on you. And if you cast green flame blade, that’s the cast a spell action, so you only get one attack that round (I’m unclear if your numbers are for one or two attack) And if you’re casting banishing smite, you’ve already used your bonus action, so can’t activate the sword on the same round. And if you had someone else cast holy weapon, they are the one who can make it explode (on their turn), not you. And Tiamat is immune to spells of level 6 or lower, so banishing smite and holy weapon would be useless against her, anyway. And finding a manual of exercise is a stretch. And a legendary magic item like a holy avenger is even more of a stretch
And you might somehow say you can do 7 or 8d8 with a smite because reasons, but the rules simply and clearly cap it at 6.
Yes, paladins can do a lot of damage with a single attack, and if you have a DM kind enough to give you a manual of strength (and the rest of the party let’s you have it instead of the fighter or Barbarian) and a holy avenger, they can do even more damage, but your scenario requires some loose interpretations of some rules, and outright breaking some others.
Well you could activate Holy Weapon when you strike and immediately explode it, therefore not using concentration. First off, I feel that D&D should have included 5th level slot to use smite with. I put Banishing Smite as a bonus action BEFORE you use Green Flame Blade. My campaign that I am in uses a lot of magic items. My brother's/DM's NPC rolled a d100 for unlocking a chest and found a Vorpal Sword. Manual of Strength is only very rare, while Vorpal Sword is Legendary. My numbers were only for one attack. I had listed the crit damage too. Also WRONG on the sword. Holy Avenger does 2d10 extra damage to fiends and undead immediately, not as a bonus action. The Tarrasque would be hit very hard. Also my new subclass that I am making is allowing a sword skill that can possibly steal a spell slot. It can be used as an Action or a Reaction. In my DM's campaign, we have 2 Rogues, 1 Druid, and soon to be my Paladin. My Paladin is the best with Strength.
Casting holy weapon is a bonus action. Exploding it is a bonus action. You only get one bonus action on a turn, so you can’t it and immediately explode it. You need to wait a turn to do it. You can feel they should have included a 5th level smite, but they did not. Your feelings don’t supersede the rules. If you want to house rule something else, you are, of course, free to do so.
It’s great that you guys are using a lot of magic items, and it sounds like you’re having a lot of fun doing it. But you can’t assume everyone is going to have access to that level of magic in every campaign.
Banishing smite and then green flame blade would work, yes, but I never said they would not. it’s banishing smite and holy weapon that are both concentration spells and can’t be cast at the same time.
I never said anything about a holy avenger using a bonus action. It does that damage to fiends and undead, yes. That would work on Tiamat. The spell holy weapon would not work on her. The tarrasque would be opposite. It is not a fiend or undead, so the holy avenger (the weapon) would not do bonus damage. The spell holy weapon, however, would work on it.
Not to be the um actually guy.... But w.a.r. smite does say melee weapon attack so punch doesnt count. Now that being said most (all the ones ive talked to minus one) dms ive talked to would let a punch count as a melee weapon attack.
Whenever you make a weapon attack. A punch is not a weapon attack. Monks get away with this because unarmed strike technically counts as a weapon as long as you are trained in it.
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random bullshitter
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So just want to make sure getting this right.
Divine Smite
Starting at 2nd level, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one spell slot to deal radiant damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d8. The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is an undead or a fiend, to a maximum of 6d8.
Improved Divine Smite
By 11th level, you are so suffused with righteous might that all your melee weapon strikes carry divine power with them. Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon, the creature takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage.
Ok so say have an 11th level Pal. They attack with a longsword which is 1D8, according to Improved Divine Smite all of his attacks get an extra 1D8 radiant automatically, then cause use their spell slots to add even more radiant damage?
That is correct.
Paladin punches for 1 hp + Str. modifier
At 11th level, they punch for 1 hp + Str + 1d8 radiant
If they Smite with a 1st level spell, they punch for: 1hp + Str + 1d8 radiant + 2d8 radiant (smite)
If they are at 17th level, they can smite with a 5th level spell: Punch for 1 hp + Str + 1d8 radiant + 6d8 radiant (smite)
Nasty punch.
Punches aren't "melee weapon attacks", so no smites can be applied to them, unfortunately.
Smite is capped at 5d8.
The phrase “melee weapon attack” is used pretty often, it doesn’t literally mean an attack with an actual weapon. It’s a melee attack that is made with an unarmed strike, melee weapon, improvised weapon, etc. And of course any game feature that uses the term to describe a melee weapon attack, like a dragon’s claws.
Rumors of my awesomeness have been greatly unexaggerated.
"It is our choices ... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." — Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
About 50% of my brain power is devoted to thinking up eloquent speeches that I’ll probably never use.
Improved smite calls out to hit with a weapon, as do most of the smite spells. So even if you allowed a smite on a punch, improved and spell smites wouldn't work.
After rereading the text for Improved Divine Smite, it’s kind of ambiguous, the text says, “with a melee weapon,” and since an unarmed strike can be used for a melee weapon attack I would be inclined to say that it would apply. Then again with the way it’s worded it I think it could be argued either way.
Rumors of my awesomeness have been greatly unexaggerated.
"It is our choices ... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." — Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
About 50% of my brain power is devoted to thinking up eloquent speeches that I’ll probably never use.
Unarmed strikes are melee weapon attacks, they are not attacks with a melee weapon. Various mechanics use the phrases, but they are always consistent about what they mean.
Can you Divine Smite with each attack or just once per round?
I’m inclined to say yes.
You would be correct, you can smite on every single attack (even reactions) until you run out of spell slots.
Great. Thanks L!
I would say that Paladin's should be able to use a 5th level spell slot to use for Divine Smite making an attacked fiend take 7d8, which turns to 8d8 because of 8d8. I have a better idea. Give him Green-Flame Blade, Holy Weapon, Banishing Smite, Divine Smite, Improved Divine Smite, Dueling Fighting style, Holy Avenger Longsword, Half-Orc Savage Attacks & Orcish Fury, and Strength modifier(+6, Manual of Exercise). You activate Holy Weapon as a bonus action when you hit and make it explode; and the fiend fails at the throw. 3d8+2d8+4d8+5d10+7d8+1d8+1d8+2d10+3+2+6-> 19d8+7d10+11-> Min=37, Max=233, Avg=135. Let's say that you crit and double all of the dice. 2(3d8)+2(2d8)+4d8+2(5d10)+2(7d8)+2(1d8)+2(1d8)+1d8+1d8+2(2d10)+11-> 34d8+14d10+11-> Min=59, Max=423, Avg=241. Holy @#*%, that is a lot of damage. If you found a way to get your two 5th level spell slots back in the next round, and use Green Flame Blade, you could seriously possibly kill Tiamat or any creature with CR 30 in two rounds. If you did max damage for crits for normal dice, your minimum and average are going to change. That is stupid good. Paladins can deal the most damage of everyone in a single attack. Nobody should mess with a Paladin or a Fighter for martial classes. They scary.
Paladins don’t get green flame blade, though I suppose they could take a magic initiate feat to get it. And holy weapon and banishing smite are both concentration spells so you can’t have both at once, unless someone else casts holy weapon on you.
And if you cast green flame blade, that’s the cast a spell action, so you only get one attack that round (I’m unclear if your numbers are for one or two attack)
And if you’re casting banishing smite, you’ve already used your bonus action, so can’t activate the sword on the same round. And if you had someone else cast holy weapon, they are the one who can make it explode (on their turn), not you.
And Tiamat is immune to spells of level 6 or lower, so banishing smite and holy weapon would be useless against her, anyway.
And finding a manual of exercise is a stretch. And a legendary magic item like a holy avenger is even more of a stretch
And you might somehow say you can do 7 or 8d8 with a smite because reasons, but the rules simply and clearly cap it at 6.
Yes, paladins can do a lot of damage with a single attack, and if you have a DM kind enough to give you a manual of strength (and the rest of the party let’s you have it instead of the fighter or Barbarian) and a holy avenger, they can do even more damage, but your scenario requires some loose interpretations of some rules, and outright breaking some others.
Well you could activate Holy Weapon when you strike and immediately explode it, therefore not using concentration. First off, I feel that D&D should have included 5th level slot to use smite with. I put Banishing Smite as a bonus action BEFORE you use Green Flame Blade. My campaign that I am in uses a lot of magic items. My brother's/DM's NPC rolled a d100 for unlocking a chest and found a Vorpal Sword. Manual of Strength is only very rare, while Vorpal Sword is Legendary. My numbers were only for one attack. I had listed the crit damage too. Also WRONG on the sword. Holy Avenger does 2d10 extra damage to fiends and undead immediately, not as a bonus action. The Tarrasque would be hit very hard. Also my new subclass that I am making is allowing a sword skill that can possibly steal a spell slot. It can be used as an Action or a Reaction. In my DM's campaign, we have 2 Rogues, 1 Druid, and soon to be my Paladin. My Paladin is the best with Strength.
Casting holy weapon is a bonus action. Exploding it is a bonus action. You only get one bonus action on a turn, so you can’t it and immediately explode it. You need to wait a turn to do it.
You can feel they should have included a 5th level smite, but they did not. Your feelings don’t supersede the rules. If you want to house rule something else, you are, of course, free to do so.
It’s great that you guys are using a lot of magic items, and it sounds like you’re having a lot of fun doing it. But you can’t assume everyone is going to have access to that level of magic in every campaign.
Banishing smite and then green flame blade would work, yes, but I never said they would not. it’s banishing smite and holy weapon that are both concentration spells and can’t be cast at the same time.
I never said anything about a holy avenger using a bonus action. It does that damage to fiends and undead, yes. That would work on Tiamat. The spell holy weapon would not work on her.
The tarrasque would be opposite. It is not a fiend or undead, so the holy avenger (the weapon) would not do bonus damage. The spell holy weapon, however, would work on it.
Against Rakdos, death awaits for him. Still, it is incredibly powerful
Nope needs to be a weapon attack
Not to be the um actually guy.... But w.a.r. smite does say melee weapon attack so punch doesnt count. Now that being said most (all the ones ive talked to minus one) dms ive talked to would let a punch count as a melee weapon attack.
Whenever you make a weapon attack. A punch is not a weapon attack. Monks get away with this because unarmed strike technically counts as a weapon as long as you are trained in it.
random bullshitter