I had this idea of a human soldier being betrayed by his allies and him making a deal with a fiend before he was burned to death and was reconstructed as a tiefling. I know the build of warlocks aren't usually tanks but I like this idea. Any ideas on the build...
Armor of Agathys works well. As does Darkness coupled with Devil's sight. Giving you advantage on attacks while imposing disadvantage on enemies' attacks.
Booming Blade will make enemies compelled to stay in combat with you.
If you're willing to lose a Warlock level, having your first level be Fighter would go a long way towards improving the physical side of your Warlock. You're getting:
2 more starting HP
Proficiency in CON saves (very useful for concentration and resisting poisons, diseases and similar effects you'll be subjected to in the front lines)
Proficiency in STR saves (useful for not getting knocked prone or moved against your will)
Heavy armor proficiency (removes your dependency on DEX for AC)
Shield proficiency (AC boost)
Fighting Style (Dueling is a great way to boost your damage, Armor for survival and Protection for helping your allies)
Second Wind (1d10 + 1 HP once per short/long rest)
And it ties naturally into your backstory.
There's two major drawbacks to being a melee Warlock. The first is that you're dependent on at 3-4 abilities (CHA for spellcasting, CON for concentration and HP, DEX for AC and possibly attack/damage, and STR for attack/damage if not using DEX). The other is that you have to invest heavily in invocations. Heavy armor proficiency, shield proficiency, Constitution save proficiency and a fighting style all help make up for having to spread your ability scores thin. Relying on worn armor frees you from taking Armor of Shadows.
You can get some of these benefits with less of a spellcasting loss by starting as Draconic Sorcerer (+1 HP, CON save proficiency, permanent Mage Armor) or Life/Nature/Tempest/War Cleric (shield proficiency, heavy armor proficiency, healing spells, a domain-specific feature.)
There's also a very good chance the Hexblade patron from Unearthed Arcana will be included in Xanathar's Guide To Everything. It grants shield proficiency, medium armor proficiency, and the ability to use CHA instead of STR/DEX on attack/damage rolls with melee weapons that aren't two-handed. That makes melee Warlocks much more viable without multiclassing. There's also new invocations for improving pact weapons.
Cantrip-wise, Lightning Lure can be useful for forcefully moving enemies away from your allies or dragging flying enemies down to melee reach in rooms with low ceilings. Shocking Grasp can serve the same purpose by denying the target its reaction, which it needs for opportunity attacks. (It also shuts down the possibility of Counterspells if the target is a spellcaster). Blade Ward and True Strike can occasionally be useful if you can get an extra action from somewhere (e.g. Haste).
You might also want a saving throw-based cantrip for high AC enemies, or situations where your attack rolls are penalized. Lightning Lure can serve that purpose, but be warned that large enemies have proportionally good Strength scores. Poison Spray does the most damage, but the poison damage flat out doesn't work against undead, fiends, constructs, and many other creatures. Frostbite does the least damage, but is handy since it penalizes the enemy's next weapon attack roll. Sword Burst does mediocre damage but can hit multiple enemies and it's a DEX save, which many high AC enemies struggle with.
I had this idea of a human soldier being betrayed by his allies and him making a deal with a fiend before he was burned to death and was reconstructed as a tiefling. I know the build of warlocks aren't usually tanks but I like this idea. Any ideas on the build...
Felix Windfall(Human-V Lv.7 Rogue) killed in ToA, Vallan Houndstrider (Halfling Ghostwise Lv.1 Fighter) in DiABasic things like the fiend patron and invocations like armor of shadows and fiendish vigor go a long way toward making a warlock "tank."
Armor of Agathys works well. As does Darkness coupled with Devil's sight. Giving you advantage on attacks while imposing disadvantage on enemies' attacks.
Booming Blade will make enemies compelled to stay in combat with you.
And it ties naturally into your backstory.
There's two major drawbacks to being a melee Warlock. The first is that you're dependent on at 3-4 abilities (CHA for spellcasting, CON for concentration and HP, DEX for AC and possibly attack/damage, and STR for attack/damage if not using DEX). The other is that you have to invest heavily in invocations. Heavy armor proficiency, shield proficiency, Constitution save proficiency and a fighting style all help make up for having to spread your ability scores thin. Relying on worn armor frees you from taking Armor of Shadows.
You can get some of these benefits with less of a spellcasting loss by starting as Draconic Sorcerer (+1 HP, CON save proficiency, permanent Mage Armor) or Life/Nature/Tempest/War Cleric (shield proficiency, heavy armor proficiency, healing spells, a domain-specific feature.)
There's also a very good chance the Hexblade patron from Unearthed Arcana will be included in Xanathar's Guide To Everything. It grants shield proficiency, medium armor proficiency, and the ability to use CHA instead of STR/DEX on attack/damage rolls with melee weapons that aren't two-handed. That makes melee Warlocks much more viable without multiclassing. There's also new invocations for improving pact weapons.
Cantrip-wise, Lightning Lure can be useful for forcefully moving enemies away from your allies or dragging flying enemies down to melee reach in rooms with low ceilings. Shocking Grasp can serve the same purpose by denying the target its reaction, which it needs for opportunity attacks. (It also shuts down the possibility of Counterspells if the target is a spellcaster). Blade Ward and True Strike can occasionally be useful if you can get an extra action from somewhere (e.g. Haste).
You might also want a saving throw-based cantrip for high AC enemies, or situations where your attack rolls are penalized. Lightning Lure can serve that purpose, but be warned that large enemies have proportionally good Strength scores. Poison Spray does the most damage, but the poison damage flat out doesn't work against undead, fiends, constructs, and many other creatures. Frostbite does the least damage, but is handy since it penalizes the enemy's next weapon attack roll. Sword Burst does mediocre damage but can hit multiple enemies and it's a DEX save, which many high AC enemies struggle with.
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Hell yeah I was running a cursed samurai,it's my first time playing