For an upcoming campaign, everyone has already decided their classes. We have a barbarian, a wizard (me) and a sorcerer. I'm thinking of creating a modified version of healing word with mostly the same stats but only 30ft of range, that's available to wizards (at least). I haven't checked with the DM yet, but I'm pretty sure she'll say yes as she's new and wouldn't have any more idea than I do.
You could take strixhaven background, many of those will give you a feat that lets you access a level 1 Druid or cleric spell, then choose healing word, no homebrew needed.
Otherwise, if you’re just looking for healing options, buy some healers kits. Beyond that, it is pretty much the DM’s job. Typically, they just include more potions than one might find normally.
Just trying to give ideas that don’t involve homebrew. Particularly for a new DM who will probably need to get a handle on RAW before you start introducing new things.
You can also be a Mark of Healing Halfling to get free cure wounds, free lesser restoration and access to healing spells like healing word.
I'll agree with Xalthu it is better than homebrew.
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You could take artificer initiate feat and cure wounds (INT). Or a Strixhaven background (INT, the feat that comes with it can give you a healing spell or just choose witherbloom).
Wizard spells should not heal directly. Not unless you got a subclass for it.
I would let you do a different version of Vampire strike type thing where you suck healing into you or spit it into someone else. But not simple healing.
Healing Word fits thematically with divine and nature magic. For a wizard, consider flavoring the spell as manipulating life energy or using transmutation magic to mend wounds, reflecting the arcane nature of their magic.
The character creation rules in the PHB have it so that all characters start with a free feat, so if your DM is okay with that ruling, you could take Magic Initiate into Druid or Cleric, and then have your DM nerf the spells range. This might not work, considering this would mean every character would get a free feat, and not everyone likes to play games where all the players are especially powerful.
For an upcoming campaign, everyone has already decided their classes. We have a barbarian, a wizard (me) and a sorcerer. I'm thinking of creating a modified version of healing word with mostly the same stats but only 30ft of range, that's available to wizards (at least). I haven't checked with the DM yet, but I'm pretty sure she'll say yes as she's new and wouldn't have any more idea than I do.
You can eat anything if you try hard enough
You could take strixhaven background, many of those will give you a feat that lets you access a level 1 Druid or cleric spell, then choose healing word, no homebrew needed.
Otherwise, if you’re just looking for healing options, buy some healers kits. Beyond that, it is pretty much the DM’s job. Typically, they just include more potions than one might find normally.
Just trying to give ideas that don’t involve homebrew. Particularly for a new DM who will probably need to get a handle on RAW before you start introducing new things.
You can also be a Mark of Healing Halfling to get free cure wounds, free lesser restoration and access to healing spells like healing word.
I'll agree with Xalthu it is better than homebrew.
Click ✨ HERE ✨ For My Youtube Videos featuring Guides, Tips & Tricks for using D&D Beyond.
Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ this FAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.
You could take artificer initiate feat and cure wounds (INT). Or a Strixhaven background (INT, the feat that comes with it can give you a healing spell or just choose witherbloom).
Food, Scifi/fantasy, anime, DND 5E and OSR geek.
Wizard spells should not heal directly. Not unless you got a subclass for it.
I would let you do a different version of Vampire strike type thing where you suck healing into you or spit it into someone else. But not simple healing.
Healing Word fits thematically with divine and nature magic. For a wizard, consider flavoring the spell as manipulating life energy or using transmutation magic to mend wounds, reflecting the arcane nature of their magic.
The character creation rules in the PHB have it so that all characters start with a free feat, so if your DM is okay with that ruling, you could take Magic Initiate into Druid or Cleric, and then have your DM nerf the spells range. This might not work, considering this would mean every character would get a free feat, and not everyone likes to play games where all the players are especially powerful.