I got a cure wounds spell scroll and my DM let me copy it down but I can't add it to my spell book through the character manager. What am I doing wrong?
You can learn it as a Wizard if you are a Mark of Healing Halfling race or have the Witherbloom background.
You can get access to the spell, be in single casts or "uses spell slots" casts, using various feats.
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You can learn it as a Wizard if you are a Mark of Healing Halfling race or have the Witherbloom background.
You can get access to the spell, be in single casts or "uses spell slots" casts, using various feats.
Or the artificer initiate feat to have it as an INT spell (Magic initiate druid or cleric would be WIS). If you did have a strixhaven background, yes, witherbloom has it on the spell list, but all 5 strixhaven backgrounds come with a free feat with an option for cure wounds (cleric, druid, or bard) using your choice of INT, WIS, or CHA.
Magic Initiate (Cleric or Druid) is probably one of the simplest ways. Your WIS won't be as strong as your INT, but it's probably a good idea to have decent WIS on a Wizard, and you can cast the spell from Magic Initiate with your own spell slots.
Magic Initiate (Cleric or Druid) is probably one of the simplest ways. Your WIS won't be as strong as your INT, but it's probably a good idea to have decent WIS on a Wizard, and you can cast the spell from Magic Initiate with your own spell slots.
But...artificer initiate and gift-of-the-metallic-dragon have cure wound as an INT spell. Why take it as a WIS spell?
Magic Initiate (Cleric or Druid) is probably one of the simplest ways. Your WIS won't be as strong as your INT, but it's probably a good idea to have decent WIS on a Wizard, and you can cast the spell from Magic Initiate with your own spell slots.
You can only cast the spell from Magic Initiate using spell slots if the Magic Initiate you choose is the same as your spellcasting class. A Wizard taking Magic Initiate: Druid and choosing Cure Wounds won't be able to cast Cure Wounds with spell slots.
If you have spell slots, can you use them to cast the 1st-level spell you learn with the Magic Initiate feat?
Yes, but only if the class you pick for the feat is one of your classes. For example, if you pick sorcerer and you are a sorcerer, the Spellcasting feature for that class tells you that you can use your spell slots to cast the sorcerer spells you know, so you can use your spell slots to cast the 1st-level sorcerer spell you learn from Magic Initiate. Similarly, if you are a wizard and pick that class for the feat, you learn a 1st-level wizard spell, which you could add to your spellbook and subsequently prepare.
In short, you must follow your character’s normal spellcasting rules, which determine whether you can expend spell slots on the 1st-level spell you learn from Magic Initiate.
The feats Artificer Initiate and Gift of the Metallic Dragon, however, let you cast the spell using spell slots because they feature the line: "You can also cast the spell using any spell slots you have." which Magic Initiate doesn't.
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You can learn it as a Wizard if you are a Mark of Healing Halfling race or have the Witherbloom background.
You can get access to the spell, be in single casts or "uses spell slots" casts, using various feats.
Or the artificer initiate feat to have it as an INT spell (Magic initiate druid or cleric would be WIS). If you did have a strixhaven background, yes, witherbloom has it on the spell list, but all 5 strixhaven backgrounds come with a free feat with an option for cure wounds (cleric, druid, or bard) using your choice of INT, WIS, or CHA.
Mark of Healing Halfling and Witherbloom background let you add the Cure Wounds spell to your spellcasting class so, for a wizard, this means you can add it to your spellbook to prepare like any wizard spell. This is preferable to taking it via the feats you mention because while the feats give 1 free cast and ability to cast with spell slots, adding the spell to the spellbook is more advantageous: Order of Scribes wizard, for instance, can use the Master Scrivener 10th level feature to create a 2nd level Cure Wounds magic scroll once per day, and any wizard of 18th level can select Cure Wounds for their 18th level Spell Mastery feature to cast cure wounds at-will. Of course you can also do both: get the cure wounds into spellbook and still choose it for the feat, but that is unnecessary and you are better off choosing different spells for more variety.
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As far as I know, this spell is level 1, so if your character is a Wizard and his/her Intelligence is 18 or above, just being proficient ( or taking Expertise feat ) with Arcana checks, it can be pretty easy learning this spell and/or copying it into a new scroll for later use.
Intelligence is the ability to comprehend anything...... yes.... ANYTHING. So, what's the point of being supper intelligent and only use your MAIN skill for using swords. Are we crazy or are we nerfing this class at all ??
As far as I know, this spell is level 1, so if your character is a Wizard and his/her Intelligence is 18 or above, just being proficient ( or taking Expertise feat ) with Arcana checks, it can be pretty easy learning this spell and/or copying it into a new scroll for later use.
Intelligence is the ability to comprehend anything...... yes.... ANYTHING. So, what's the point of being supper intelligent and only use your MAIN skill for using swords. Are we crazy or are we nerfing this class at all ??
Unless you have a feature to make Cure Wounds into a Wizard spell, such as certain Strixhaven backgrounds or Mark of Healing Halfling from Eberron books - Cure Wounds is not a Wizard spell. A Wizard can only copy new spells into a Wizard spellbook and you need to be able to cast it to scribe a spell scroll.
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The scroll, if they are a wizard, cannot use cure wounds scroll.
I mentioned the Healer Feat because I wasn't paying attention to the OP. But the Healer Feat would be better or as good as being able to cast cure wounds.
Arcana Expert ( by chosing Prodigy feat plus skill Master later ) let you use the scroll which it contains that spell. You are supposed to be super Intelligent on that level, so the choices to add it on your spellbook or cast that spell are easy.
Arcana Expert is the key to success in those threads.......... huh
Arcana Expert ( by chosing Prodigy feat plus skill Master later ) let you use the scroll which it contains that spell. You are supposed to be super Intelligent on that level, so the choices to add it on your spellbook or cast that spell are easy.
Arcana Expert is the key to success in those threads.......... huh
Prodigy is only available to humans, half-elves and half-orcs. Also, unsure what you mean by "plus skill Master later" - do you mean Skill Expertise feat? If so why "plus"? Both can grant arcana proficiency and expertise, there's no point in taking both.
Also, neither feat lets you use a spell scroll. They can make you better at using one in certain situations but neither grants the ability to do so.
A spell scroll can only be used by somebody who has a spellcasting class and only if the spell in the scroll is a spell on their class' spell list. A wizard trying to use a scroll for spellcasting can only use a scroll that has a wizard spell. Cure wounds is not a wizard spell, unless you have a feature that adds it to your list (like Mark of Healing Halfling race or the Witherbloom background). A human wizard with the Sage background, for example, cannot cast Cure Wounds from a scroll nor learn it.
The Arcana proficiency only comes into play if the spell in the scroll is of a higher level than what you can cast or if you are scribing the scroll. A wizard without the aforementioned features, cannot do either for a scroll of cure wounds because cure wounds is not a wizard spell.
Your house rules are not Rules as Written. Your replies suggest you are confusing the two.
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Since no official feat named such exists on D&D Beyond and you're referring to homebrew - no it hasn't been mentioned.
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I got a cure wounds spell scroll and my DM let me copy it down but I can't add it to my spell book through the character manager. What am I doing wrong?
It's not a wizard spell. So you could only add it on the character builder by houseruling.
It's not a wizard spell. Theer are some feats to get it though.
Food, Scifi/fantasy, anime, DND 5E and OSR geek.
You can learn it as a Wizard if you are a Mark of Healing Halfling race or have the Witherbloom background.
You can get access to the spell, be in single casts or "uses spell slots" casts, using various feats.
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Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ this FAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.
Or the artificer initiate feat to have it as an INT spell (Magic initiate druid or cleric would be WIS). If you did have a strixhaven background, yes, witherbloom has it on the spell list, but all 5 strixhaven backgrounds come with a free feat with an option for cure wounds (cleric, druid, or bard) using your choice of INT, WIS, or CHA.
Food, Scifi/fantasy, anime, DND 5E and OSR geek.
Magic Initiate (Cleric or Druid) is probably one of the simplest ways. Your WIS won't be as strong as your INT, but it's probably a good idea to have decent WIS on a Wizard, and you can cast the spell from Magic Initiate with your own spell slots.
But...artificer initiate and gift-of-the-metallic-dragon have cure wound as an INT spell. Why take it as a WIS spell?
Food, Scifi/fantasy, anime, DND 5E and OSR geek.
You can only cast the spell from Magic Initiate using spell slots if the Magic Initiate you choose is the same as your spellcasting class. A Wizard taking Magic Initiate: Druid and choosing Cure Wounds won't be able to cast Cure Wounds with spell slots.
Sage Advice: https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dnd/sac/sage-advice-compendium#SA090
The feats Artificer Initiate and Gift of the Metallic Dragon, however, let you cast the spell using spell slots because they feature the line: "You can also cast the spell using any spell slots you have." which Magic Initiate doesn't.
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Mark of Healing Halfling and Witherbloom background let you add the Cure Wounds spell to your spellcasting class so, for a wizard, this means you can add it to your spellbook to prepare like any wizard spell. This is preferable to taking it via the feats you mention because while the feats give 1 free cast and ability to cast with spell slots, adding the spell to the spellbook is more advantageous: Order of Scribes wizard, for instance, can use the Master Scrivener 10th level feature to create a 2nd level Cure Wounds magic scroll once per day, and any wizard of 18th level can select Cure Wounds for their 18th level Spell Mastery feature to cast cure wounds at-will. Of course you can also do both: get the cure wounds into spellbook and still choose it for the feat, but that is unnecessary and you are better off choosing different spells for more variety.
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As far as I know, this spell is level 1, so if your character is a Wizard and his/her Intelligence is 18 or above, just being proficient ( or taking Expertise feat ) with Arcana checks, it can be pretty easy learning this spell and/or copying it into a new scroll for later use.
Intelligence is the ability to comprehend anything...... yes.... ANYTHING. So, what's the point of being supper intelligent and only use your MAIN skill for using swords. Are we crazy or are we nerfing this class at all ??
My Ready-to-rock&roll chars:
Dertinus Tristany // Amilcar Barca // Vicenç Sacrarius // Oriol Deulofeu // Grovtuk
Unless you have a feature to make Cure Wounds into a Wizard spell, such as certain Strixhaven backgrounds or Mark of Healing Halfling from Eberron books - Cure Wounds is not a Wizard spell. A Wizard can only copy new spells into a Wizard spellbook and you need to be able to cast it to scribe a spell scroll.
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Might be easier to just pick up the Healer Feat.
You cannot use it.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Why not?
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The scroll, if they are a wizard, cannot use cure wounds scroll.
I mentioned the Healer Feat because I wasn't paying attention to the OP. But the Healer Feat would be better or as good as being able to cast cure wounds.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Arcana Expert ( by chosing Prodigy feat plus skill Master later ) let you use the scroll which it contains that spell. You are supposed to be super Intelligent on that level, so the choices to add it on your spellbook or cast that spell are easy.
Arcana Expert is the key to success in those threads.......... huh
My Ready-to-rock&roll chars:
Dertinus Tristany // Amilcar Barca // Vicenç Sacrarius // Oriol Deulofeu // Grovtuk
Prodigy is only available to humans, half-elves and half-orcs. Also, unsure what you mean by "plus skill Master later" - do you mean Skill Expertise feat? If so why "plus"? Both can grant arcana proficiency and expertise, there's no point in taking both.
Also, neither feat lets you use a spell scroll. They can make you better at using one in certain situations but neither grants the ability to do so.
A spell scroll can only be used by somebody who has a spellcasting class and only if the spell in the scroll is a spell on their class' spell list. A wizard trying to use a scroll for spellcasting can only use a scroll that has a wizard spell. Cure wounds is not a wizard spell, unless you have a feature that adds it to your list (like Mark of Healing Halfling race or the Witherbloom background). A human wizard with the Sage background, for example, cannot cast Cure Wounds from a scroll nor learn it.
The Arcana proficiency only comes into play if the spell in the scroll is of a higher level than what you can cast or if you are scribing the scroll. A wizard without the aforementioned features, cannot do either for a scroll of cure wounds because cure wounds is not a wizard spell.
Your house rules are not Rules as Written. Your replies suggest you are confusing the two.
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Did anyone mention the feat. Extra Spell yet?
Since no official feat named such exists on D&D Beyond and you're referring to homebrew - no it hasn't been mentioned.
This is the test account of Cyb3rM1nd. Posting through this because my main account is locked out of forums due to a glitch.
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No homebrew rule. See Complete Arcane, page 79. Should've mentioned that's 3.5 though.
This entire website is purely for 5th edition only.
First line:
D&D Beyond is an official digital toolset for Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition.
This is the test account of Cyb3rM1nd. Posting through this because my main account is locked out of forums due to a glitch.
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