When you are building a character, each race option has a short blurb that describes the race and lists their traits in a condensed fashion (+2 Wisdom, +1 Strength, Firbolg Magic, etc.). This area populates correctly for homebrew subraces and variants, but not for main races. For an example, look at the Mul racial description compared to any of the official races.
Good spot - the text box that the snippet appears in is call 'Short Description' and seems to be set to show for Mods and Staff only. I'll throw this one across to the staff to look at.
When you are building a character, each race option has a short blurb that describes the race and lists their traits in a condensed fashion (+2 Wisdom, +1 Strength, Firbolg Magic, etc.). This area populates correctly for homebrew subraces and variants, but not for main races. For an example, look at the Mul racial description compared to any of the official races.
Dungeon Master - Writer - Mini Enthusiast
Good spot - the text box that the snippet appears in is call 'Short Description' and seems to be set to show for Mods and Staff only. I'll throw this one across to the staff to look at.
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If you have questions/concerns, please Private Message me or another moderator.
Wary the wizard who focuses on homebrew, for he can create nightmares that you wouldn't even dream of
The Short Description text box is available to all users now.
I am the Inquisitor Imperitus. I am judge, jury, and executioner. Draw your last breath now, as I send you to the Nine Hells.
Dungeon Master - Writer - Mini Enthusiast