I have been testing the character creator using a human variant fighter with 16 con at level 1. When i apply additional constitution points via ASI's, it seems to apply that new con retroactively as if the con score was at the new value since level 1.
EXAMPLE : Putting Con to 18 at level 12 and 20 at level 14 should result in 200 average HP at character level 20. instead it is displaying 224, crediting me with 124 fixed HP and 100 from con. the con bonus should only be 76.
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Grianne Wildpaw: Wood Elf Druid level 12 (8W-4L)- - Coliseum of Conquest: Master of Faerie Fire. Just don't ask her to spell it.
Grianne Wildpaw: Wood Elf Druid level 6 (2W-1L)- - Coliseum Reborn : Master of a Myriad of forms.
Runt, the Stormchosen: Half-Orc barbarian level 5 -- The Guild
Your Constitution modifier contributes to your hit points. Typically, you add your Constitution modifier to each Hit Die you roll for your hit points.
If your Constitution modifier changes, your hit point maximum changes as well, as though you had the new modifier from 1st level. For example, if you raise your Constitution score when you reach 4th level and your Constitution modifier increases from +1 to +2, you adjust your hit point maximum as though the modifier had always been +2. So you add 3 hit points for your first three levels, and then roll your hit points for 4th level using your new modifier. Or if you're 7th level and some effect lowers your Constitution score so as to reduce your Constitution modifier by 1, your hit point maximum is reduced by 7.
To whom it may concern.
I have been testing the character creator using a human variant fighter with 16 con at level 1. When i apply additional constitution points via ASI's, it seems to apply that new con retroactively as if the con score was at the new value since level 1.
EXAMPLE : Putting Con to 18 at level 12 and 20 at level 14 should result in 200 average HP at character level 20. instead it is displaying 224, crediting me with 124 fixed HP and 100 from con. the con bonus should only be 76.
Grianne Wildpaw: Wood Elf Druid level 12 (8W-4L)- - Coliseum of Conquest: Master of Faerie Fire. Just don't ask her to spell it.
Grianne Wildpaw: Wood Elf Druid level 6 (2W-1L)- - Coliseum Reborn : Master of a Myriad of forms.
Runt, the Stormchosen: Half-Orc barbarian level 5 -- The Guild
Tomoe Gozen: Human Fighter Samurai level 5 -- Cronero (Solo Campaign)
From the Basic Rules.
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Well, i fell dumb. Thank you.
Grianne Wildpaw: Wood Elf Druid level 12 (8W-4L)- - Coliseum of Conquest: Master of Faerie Fire. Just don't ask her to spell it.
Grianne Wildpaw: Wood Elf Druid level 6 (2W-1L)- - Coliseum Reborn : Master of a Myriad of forms.
Runt, the Stormchosen: Half-Orc barbarian level 5 -- The Guild
Tomoe Gozen: Human Fighter Samurai level 5 -- Cronero (Solo Campaign)
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Please feel free to message either Sorce or another moderator if you have any concerns.