This is on the mobile phone only, but viewing the information for the armor, the table does not auto-adjust to screen size, you have to put your device on it's side to view the last 2 columns, "Strength" and "Stealth" otherwise it gets cut off on the right.
same thing happens to
Apparatus of the Crab levers table, but at least the information scales, but the table itself doesn't shrink pas a certain size. I think it's a minimum table width issue.
I have checked also a couple others like the "Deck of many things", the table still passes the screen and because the table is pretty wide, when I rotate my phone there's still some clipping on the right for the rest of the table for the stats on the "Avatar of death". Using an HTC One M9.
This is on the mobile phone only, but viewing the information for the armor, the table does not auto-adjust to screen size, you have to put your device on it's side to view the last 2 columns, "Strength" and "Stealth" otherwise it gets cut off on the right.
same thing happens to
Apparatus of the Crab levers table, but at least the information scales, but the table itself doesn't shrink pas a certain size. I think it's a minimum table width issue.
I have checked also a couple others like the "Deck of many things", the table still passes the screen and because the table is pretty wide, when I rotate my phone there's still some clipping on the right for the rest of the table for the stats on the "Avatar of death". Using an HTC One M9.
All tables right now are place-holders and will be changing during the course of the beta. :)
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