I also could very much use this sort of toggle. Halfway through a campaign is NOT a good time to pivot to a new set of rules.
I gaslit myself for the better part of 15 minutes when I searched for "Grapple" and "Shove" rules, knowing in my heart of hearts that it should be an opposed roll but seeing that it's now a saving throw. I questioned everything I ever knew before realizing that this was the new 2024 ruleset.
Yes! Please make it possible to clearly select the edition in use! The mixing of 2-24 content that NOBODY at my table owns into search results is screwing up our game. DDBs biggest benefit to our group is quick access to info. When half of the search results are for content we don’t own or an edition we aren’t playing, its almost faster to just go back to the paper books. Make search configurable so it only shows results from owned content! The last thing I need while quickly looking up a stat block while dming is a result that then the;ls me to buy something, or a result that is wrong because it comes from the core rulebook of the wrong edition!
Just returned to the game after a little break, just to find out the site is basically useless to me now thanks to the horrid way they add2d the 2024 rules. How in this world am I supposed to teach this game to new players, which is something i oftened do? The answer shouldn't be to toggle off hundreds of dollars worth of content. I own the legendary bundle ffs. Been a master tier subscriber for years. This kills this site for me.
My subscription is cancelled. Only when we get an option to toggle off all of the 2024 content will i consider coming back.
Just returned to the game after a little break, just to find out the site is basically useless to me now thanks to the horrid way they add2d the 2024 rules. How in this world am I supposed to teach this game to new players, which is something i oftened do? The answer shouldn't be to toggle off hundreds of dollars worth of content. I own the legendary bundle ffs. Been a master tier subscriber for years. This kills this site for me.
My subscription is cancelled. Only when we get an option to toggle off all of the 2024 content will i consider coming back.
Your supposed to buy the new books and disable legacy content, that is how it is designed. Some call it a sound business/marketing plan, others see it as a punishment for the backlash over their plans to just remove the '14 rules from the tools all together.
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I think the key thing here is that it's not "2014 vs 2024", it's "2014-late 2024 vs. late 2024". It's a decade of content and campaigns that are being disrupted by this. IMO, there's no reason why a new update to the existing rules should disrupt the decades' worth of content that the fanbase has collectively purchased, built, shared, and used.
I mean, I know the reason is to make the existing experience so frustrating to use that folks bite the bullet and convert to "2024" content, thus forcing a rebuy of the books and content that we've already purchased. Just remember, no a la carte option to just get what you need for a character or campaign; you're paying full price again, baby!
Well, a la carte option was honestly too much customer friendly. I missed it a lot, but i was able see that its not exactly profiable to make quite a huge content and then let pplpick that ine sweat cherry from it.
Disrupting all content to force community to use new edition and kill any hopes for longevity of purchased digital goods is other level.
And i dont understand why they do it... I mean i dont like 2024 rules but i would eventually start to use it either because lack of new content in app or because VTT and shows will use it. Now i more or less hate it because its in my way and it degrade content which i bought previously ...
Just add that bloody switch already! It cant be so difficult even if you have to manually relabel all content
Perhaps in content management, we could manage both purchased and provided (free) content for the campaign. I do not want to bring new players into the 2024 material yet as I'm still reading through them and deciding how I want to implement it.
I'm with everyone here. I have several characters and need to level up a few. I'm tempted to just go back to paper and have my friends help with the l things because of having to verify everything. I just want to turn off the 2024 content so I know for sure I'm not accidentally using it. I'm the only one in the group using DND Beyond and there's no plans for everyone to update. We are only playing 5e and not Pathfinder so I could use something to make the game more accessible for me.
Adding my name to the list. Also canceled my DDB sub over this and am looking at alternative options for future games. The OTHER system seems to have managed their revised edition in a much more graceful manner, and there are a lot of other options for digital character creation now.
Luckily, my players IRL use paper character sheets. I have a couple who don't handle change well and would be lost with all the changes that don't apply to any of my games.
Well this is finally what is causing me to unsub. My group all has physical books and we're just going to use Foundry without D&D Beyond importing. It can all just be done in Foundry for 5E without requiring update to the 2024 ruleset. You really just made 4.0 version 2 for popularity sakes didn't you
It only seems to be getting worse. None of us own any 2024 content, we have the 2014 toggle on, and yet we see the 2024 content invading our character sheets.
Pissing off and frustrating your customers isn’t a really good way to sell them more stuff. It is no way to get and keep customer loyalty. I mean… WofC: What are you thinking? Do you really think this is working? Why do you always make the wrong decisions?
While we haven’t cancelled our subscriptions yet I strongly feel we will as soon as we find a different platform that actually respects our decision to stay with the 2014 version. And no; we are not going to buy anything else from WotC.
I noticed a couple days ago that my life cleric made with 2014 rules has suddenly learned a free Aid spell from the Free rules as life clerics made with 2024 rules get that automatically prepared on level 3. I don't want it for her (and even if I did it's still the wrong version of the spell as it's the new one) and can't remove it since it's automatically prepared so I had to rename it to zzz to drop it to the bottom of the spell list so I won't accidentally use it. Can't say I'm too happy about getting this stuff I didn't ask for added on my character sheets. Again, this sort of problems could be easily solved by just letting us toggle off the new rules if we want to stick with the old ones. :/
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I also could very much use this sort of toggle. Halfway through a campaign is NOT a good time to pivot to a new set of rules.
I gaslit myself for the better part of 15 minutes when I searched for "Grapple" and "Shove" rules, knowing in my heart of hearts that it should be an opposed roll but seeing that it's now a saving throw. I questioned everything I ever knew before realizing that this was the new 2024 ruleset.
100% agree with this sentiment. Have toggles for 2014/5E and for 2024. Let the player choose one, or the other, or both.
Yes! Please make it possible to clearly select the edition in use! The mixing of 2-24 content that NOBODY at my table owns into search results is screwing up our game. DDBs biggest benefit to our group is quick access to info. When half of the search results are for content we don’t own or an edition we aren’t playing, its almost faster to just go back to the paper books. Make search configurable so it only shows results from owned content! The last thing I need while quickly looking up a stat block while dming is a result that then the;ls me to buy something, or a result that is wrong because it comes from the core rulebook of the wrong edition!
They should (but likely won't) do this before they release the 5.5e dmg.
Just returned to the game after a little break, just to find out the site is basically useless to me now thanks to the horrid way they add2d the 2024 rules. How in this world am I supposed to teach this game to new players, which is something i oftened do? The answer shouldn't be to toggle off hundreds of dollars worth of content. I own the legendary bundle ffs. Been a master tier subscriber for years. This kills this site for me.
My subscription is cancelled. Only when we get an option to toggle off all of the 2024 content will i consider coming back.
Your supposed to buy the new books and disable legacy content, that is how it is designed. Some call it a sound business/marketing plan, others see it as a punishment for the backlash over their plans to just remove the '14 rules from the tools all together.
I agree completely. Use of the 2024 rules should be entirely optional.
I've cancelled my Master Tier and won't be renewing it unless there are some huge fundamental changes to DND Beyond.
Adding more support for this!
Also agree.
I think the key thing here is that it's not "2014 vs 2024", it's "2014-late 2024 vs. late 2024". It's a decade of content and campaigns that are being disrupted by this. IMO, there's no reason why a new update to the existing rules should disrupt the decades' worth of content that the fanbase has collectively purchased, built, shared, and used.
I mean, I know the reason is to make the existing experience so frustrating to use that folks bite the bullet and convert to "2024" content, thus forcing a rebuy of the books and content that we've already purchased. Just remember, no a la carte option to just get what you need for a character or campaign; you're paying full price again, baby!
Well, a la carte option was honestly too much customer friendly. I missed it a lot, but i was able see that its not exactly profiable to make quite a huge content and then let pplpick that ine sweat cherry from it.
Disrupting all content to force community to use new edition and kill any hopes for longevity of purchased digital goods is other level.
And i dont understand why they do it... I mean i dont like 2024 rules but i would eventually start to use it either because lack of new content in app or because VTT and shows will use it. Now i more or less hate it because its in my way and it degrade content which i bought previously ...
Just add that bloody switch already! It cant be so difficult even if you have to manually relabel all content
Perhaps in content management, we could manage both purchased and provided (free) content for the campaign. I do not want to bring new players into the 2024 material yet as I'm still reading through them and deciding how I want to implement it.
Please please I agree have a toggle off 2024 for our legacy characters
I'm with everyone here. I have several characters and need to level up a few. I'm tempted to just go back to paper and have my friends help with the l things because of having to verify everything. I just want to turn off the 2024 content so I know for sure I'm not accidentally using it. I'm the only one in the group using DND Beyond and there's no plans for everyone to update. We are only playing 5e and not Pathfinder so I could use something to make the game more accessible for me.
Adding my name to the list. Also canceled my DDB sub over this and am looking at alternative options for future games. The OTHER system seems to have managed their revised edition in a much more graceful manner, and there are a lot of other options for digital character creation now.
cancelled sub as well. I still love basic 5e so I'm not going away from dnd... Just dnd beyond...
+1 for this.
Luckily, my players IRL use paper character sheets. I have a couple who don't handle change well and would be lost with all the changes that don't apply to any of my games.
Well this is finally what is causing me to unsub. My group all has physical books and we're just going to use Foundry without D&D Beyond importing. It can all just be done in Foundry for 5E without requiring update to the 2024 ruleset. You really just made 4.0 version 2 for popularity sakes didn't you
It only seems to be getting worse. None of us own any 2024 content, we have the 2014 toggle on, and yet we see the 2024 content invading our character sheets.
Pissing off and frustrating your customers isn’t a really good way to sell them more stuff. It is no way to get and keep customer loyalty. I mean… WofC: What are you thinking? Do you really think this is working? Why do you always make the wrong decisions?
While we haven’t cancelled our subscriptions yet I strongly feel we will as soon as we find a different platform that actually respects our decision to stay with the 2014 version. And no; we are not going to buy anything else from WotC.
This is beyond pathetic.
I noticed a couple days ago that my life cleric made with 2014 rules has suddenly learned a free Aid spell from the Free rules as life clerics made with 2024 rules get that automatically prepared on level 3. I don't want it for her (and even if I did it's still the wrong version of the spell as it's the new one) and can't remove it since it's automatically prepared so I had to rename it to zzz to drop it to the bottom of the spell list so I won't accidentally use it. Can't say I'm too happy about getting this stuff I didn't ask for added on my character sheets. Again, this sort of problems could be easily solved by just letting us toggle off the new rules if we want to stick with the old ones. :/