To answer part 2 first you don’t need to create characters in campaigns, you can create them just for fun or in preparation to join a campaign. The key difference is if you are sharing books with other people you can only access their options if you create the character in the same campaign as the person you’re sharing with
As for sorting out her access to the character, I’m afraid you might need to jump through a few hoops. As far as I know there’s no way to add a pre-made character from your account to a campaign you are DM for so I’m afraid recreating might be the only option. If you go to the campaign on the website (doesn’t work on the app) you should see an option for “create unassigned character”, you’ll need to recreate your daughter’s character using that option. Once that’s done she can use her account and the campaign sharing link to go to the campaign and she should see the unassigned character and an option to claim. If she does that the character will be linked to her account
Using the same invite code that you send to your players, you should be able to add the character to the campaign. Once it's in the campaign, unassign it from yourself. Then she should be able to claim it.
I'm pretty sure, this has been discussed on how to invite characters etc.
but this is a slight bit different, I imagine.
So my daughter created a character for a campaign that I'm running BUT she did that not via invite link but on my account.
Now there are two issues with this:
1. the character is not accessible for her account
2. the character for some reason is not part of any campaign.
How can I achieve these two things without her having to re-create the character
We are the power inside, we bring you fantasy. We are the kingdom of light and dreams.
To answer part 2 first you don’t need to create characters in campaigns, you can create them just for fun or in preparation to join a campaign. The key difference is if you are sharing books with other people you can only access their options if you create the character in the same campaign as the person you’re sharing with
As for sorting out her access to the character, I’m afraid you might need to jump through a few hoops. As far as I know there’s no way to add a pre-made character from your account to a campaign you are DM for so I’m afraid recreating might be the only option. If you go to the campaign on the website (doesn’t work on the app) you should see an option for “create unassigned character”, you’ll need to recreate your daughter’s character using that option. Once that’s done she can use her account and the campaign sharing link to go to the campaign and she should see the unassigned character and an option to claim. If she does that the character will be linked to her account
Using the same invite code that you send to your players, you should be able to add the character to the campaign. Once it's in the campaign, unassign it from yourself. Then she should be able to claim it.
Birgit | Shifter | Sorcerer | Dragonlords
Shayone | Hobgoblin | Sorcerer | Netherdeep