I haven't used him yet, but I do have a Warforged Druid who has gradually replaced his metal plating with wood, leather, and other such materials. His name is Leatherhide. Personality wise, he's basically just a chill dude who really likes nature
A warforged level 3 path of the beast barbarian, level 14 draconic ancestry silver dragon (dragon ancestor type), level 3 blood hunter- Order of the mutant.
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The Circle of Hedgehogs Druid Beholder/Animated Armor Level -20 Bardof the OIADSB Cult, here are our rules.Sig.Also a sauce council member, but it's been dead for a while.
A Kobold Warlock that is trying to impress a Dragon, joins the army, and is cornered by a group of enemy soldiers when a magical spear appears in front of him, the spear speaks, and offers him great power, of course, our little Kobold friend accepts and begins to end the soldiers' careers. However, the dragon is still not quite impressed so he joins an adventuring party in hopes that she might find the little Kobold appealing.
Was playing around with the idea of a Sun Soul Dhampir. I like the concept of a Dhampir embracing the sun to spite their Vampiric heritage, or as a way of making themselves vulnerable should they turn somehow down the line.
The bite becoming a monk weapon sounds fun mechanically too
An undead warlock who's patron is them from the future as a lich. A wild magic barbarian who thinks he's a wizard. An aasimar cleric/warlock who was created by a near-forgotten god to restore him to prominence before he fades away.
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All stars fade. Some stars forever fall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Homebrew:Magic Items,Monsters,Spells,Subclasses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If there was no light, people wouldn't fear the dark.
A celestial warlock who was brought back to life by his patron, a minor god who was forgotten by his followers because his last shrine was being defiled and he needed someone to save it
I have a Italian mobster-esque grung mob boss NPC called 'don gurgle', this is his underworld name he is known for as he only speaks grung and it sounds like gurgling.
The young god of blood/death/war who was forced into a mortal body by the other war gods in order for them to learn the true meaning and consequences of their domain. They would be a fallen aasimar bloodhunter.
A drow assassin rogue multiclassed with a gloom stalker ranger. You can be invisible in darkness so you can creep up on people and then assassinate them. And also quite a powerful build just with hunters mark, sneak attack and if you’re using the favoured foe from tasha’s cauldron of everything you get an additional d4
A drow assassin rogue multiclassed with a gloom stalker ranger. You can be invisible in darkness so you can creep up on people and then assassinate them. And also quite a powerful build just with hunters mark, sneak attack and if you’re using the favoured foe from tasha’s cauldron of everything you get an additional d4
hunter's mark and favored foe both require concentration
A Reborn lineage (UA) Circle of Spores druid who is basically a dead body reanimated by a bunch of sentient spores, who then burst out when he goes into his Symbiotic Entity form
A Grung Path of the Beast barbarian with the Fighting Initiate (Unarmed Fighting) feat who thinks weapons are dumb, he is purely unarmed
An Arcane Archer Fighter 9/Artificer 2 (I'm playing him, currently, so that will change) with the repeating shot infusion on his bow so he can ignore the loading property and make the most of his extra attack
1. Gnomish twin brothers with the exact same name just pronounced differently (Dobin and Dobin, pronounced Dob-in and Doh-bin.) They look exactly alike and are both bards. One is college of swords and one is creation. They founded a circus together, but got bored and went on the road and started following around some blood hunters/fighters and making up stories about them in the form of skits and songs. Basically they're Jaskier from the Netflix version of the Witcher.
2. A Satyr archfey warlock who was adopted by halflings when he was little and has no idea who/ where his real parents are. He feels super out of place all the time so he's a little bit unhinged and confused. He loves pulling pranks and has an overly confident persona, and is a little too flashy for most tastes. He uses a fake name because he wants to both honor his adoptive halfling parents and he knows nothing of Satyr culture and feels detached from that identity. His favorite spell is disguise self because then he doesn't have to think about being different.
those are interesting story wise, but I have another character who I made to test mechanics/ play with lore––
3. This one is a Shadar-kai grave cleric stepping out into the material plane for the first time ever and is fascinated by absolutely everything humanoids do
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Dragons? In my dungeon? More likely than you think.
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I haven't used him yet, but I do have a Warforged Druid who has gradually replaced his metal plating with wood, leather, and other such materials. His name is Leatherhide. Personality wise, he's basically just a chill dude who really likes nature
A warforged level 3 path of the beast barbarian, level 14 draconic ancestry silver dragon (dragon ancestor type), level 3 blood hunter- Order of the mutant.
The Circle of Hedgehogs Druid Beholder/Animated Armor Level -20 Bard of the OIADSB Cult, here are our rules. Sig. Also a sauce council member, but it's been dead for a while.
A Kobold Warlock that is trying to impress a Dragon, joins the army, and is cornered by a group of enemy soldiers when a magical spear appears in front of him, the spear speaks, and offers him great power, of course, our little Kobold friend accepts and begins to end the soldiers' careers. However, the dragon is still not quite impressed so he joins an adventuring party in hopes that she might find the little Kobold appealing.
Was playing around with the idea of a Sun Soul Dhampir. I like the concept of a Dhampir embracing the sun to spite their Vampiric heritage, or as a way of making themselves vulnerable should they turn somehow down the line.
The bite becoming a monk weapon sounds fun mechanically too
Drunk warlock that doesn't use spells, warlock can only use his spells if he/she is drunk
An undead warlock who's patron is them from the future as a lich. A wild magic barbarian who thinks he's a wizard. An aasimar cleric/warlock who was created by a near-forgotten god to restore him to prominence before he fades away.
All stars fade. Some stars forever fall.
Homebrew: Magic Items, Monsters, Spells, Subclasses
If there was no light, people wouldn't fear the dark.
1. Rabbitfolk fighter who's weapon of choice is a boomerang (Kangaroo)
2, Warforged Bard (Black Sabbath Iron Man)
3. Warforged Sorcerer Clockwork Soul (Iron Man)
A celestial warlock who was brought back to life by his patron, a minor god who was forgotten by his followers because his last shrine was being defiled and he needed someone to save it
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
I have a Italian mobster-esque grung mob boss NPC called 'don gurgle', this is his underworld name he is known for as he only speaks grung and it sounds like gurgling.
Mystic v3 should be official, nuff said.
Also, a dandere wild magic sorcerer who only uses magic when under incredible stress.
Mystic v3 should be official, nuff said.
The young god of blood/death/war who was forced into a mortal body by the other war gods in order for them to learn the true meaning and consequences of their domain. They would be a fallen aasimar bloodhunter.
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
A drow assassin rogue multiclassed with a gloom stalker ranger. You can be invisible in darkness so you can creep up on people and then assassinate them. And also quite a powerful build just with hunters mark, sneak attack and if you’re using the favoured foe from tasha’s cauldron of everything you get an additional d4
hunter's mark and favored foe both require concentration
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Dam. Anyway cool concept with power
A bard that used to coach boxers and now is a member of the party.
Mystic v3 should be official, nuff said.
Ever since I saw the "Mark of Hospitality" Halfling race, I wanted to create a Bard Halfling who wants to open their own Inn or tavern.
They'd be adventuring in the hopes of finding enough fortune to finance their dream.
I have a few good ones:
australian wizard
the master of gravity
1. Gnomish twin brothers with the exact same name just pronounced differently (Dobin and Dobin, pronounced Dob-in and Doh-bin.) They look exactly alike and are both bards. One is college of swords and one is creation. They founded a circus together, but got bored and went on the road and started following around some blood hunters/fighters and making up stories about them in the form of skits and songs. Basically they're Jaskier from the Netflix version of the Witcher.
2. A Satyr archfey warlock who was adopted by halflings when he was little and has no idea who/ where his real parents are. He feels super out of place all the time so he's a little bit unhinged and confused. He loves pulling pranks and has an overly confident persona, and is a little too flashy for most tastes. He uses a fake name because he wants to both honor his adoptive halfling parents and he knows nothing of Satyr culture and feels detached from that identity. His favorite spell is disguise self because then he doesn't have to think about being different.
those are interesting story wise, but I have another character who I made to test mechanics/ play with lore––
3. This one is a Shadar-kai grave cleric stepping out into the material plane for the first time ever and is fascinated by absolutely everything humanoids do
Dragons? In my dungeon? More likely than you think.