i would like to find a group and a DM thats plays on roll20 and use discord, it would be nice if you were in GM time zon ( I AM GM+1)
but if thats not possible i will drink coffein the hole game so i can have fun whiy you guys!!!
I never playd befor but i have a character ready that i am quit praud of... so i hoppe she gets to play soon!
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my name is Madeleine! i havent played a day in my life but i watch criticalrole and fell in love. my spelling is quit bad but i have dyslexia,i talk much better.
DO you still DM i see your post were a few years ago
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my name is Madeleine! i havent played a day in my life but i watch criticalrole and fell in love. my spelling is quit bad but i have dyslexia,i talk much better.
Well, I'm a DM (and occasional player) ... and I have a Roll20 account. Unfortunately I have not yet had the pleasure of combining the two .. :)
Do you still DM (can see you entery were a while a go)
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my name is Madeleine! i havent played a day in my life but i watch criticalrole and fell in love. my spelling is quit bad but i have dyslexia,i talk much better.
I'm currently looking for another game to join (as a player) because the one I was in disbanded last night.
I am also looking for a new group because as the person above, my game disbanded as well.
i would like to find a group and a DM thats plays on roll20 and use discord, it would be nice if you were in GM time zon ( I AM GM+1)
but if thats not possible i will drink coffein the hole game so i can have fun whiy you guys!!!
I never playd befor but i have a character ready that i am quit praud of... so i hoppe she gets to play soon!
my name is Madeleine! i havent played a day in my life but i watch criticalrole and fell in love. my spelling is quit bad but i have dyslexia,i talk much better.
DO you still DM i see your post were a few years ago
my name is Madeleine! i havent played a day in my life but i watch criticalrole and fell in love. my spelling is quit bad but i have dyslexia,i talk much better.
Do you still DM (can see you entery were a while a go)
my name is Madeleine! i havent played a day in my life but i watch criticalrole and fell in love. my spelling is quit bad but i have dyslexia,i talk much better.
Yes. I seem to be a forever-DM. 😄
I have since found AboveVTT instead of Roll20 however. This integrates the D&D Beyond character sheet and content a lot better than Roll20 ...