I'm a player, and may I suggest that maybe making this a poll? You'll catch more fish that way, and people will still reply to the topic if they have more than A or B to say.
I've thought about DMing open games on there. I've never used the tool but it seems like I frequently read about games where people just don't show up. Has anyone found that to be the case? Is it difficult to jump in and DM using their tools?
I think you're more likely to see DMs on this website :P Player mainly, but I've been designing my own campaign for Roll20.... well it's more like a homebrew module, but whatever.
We have had games where people drop at the last minute. It happens.
The basic tools are pretty easy to use and the guides are good for getting started. We use Curse or Discord for voice only and honestly the dice in the chat window is nice. Having the the ease of throwing up a map and info is very handy. I do a lot of theater of the mind stuff but once in awhile I like to take up a level.
If I were you take a close look at it. As a DM there are a ton of players out there to choose from. Do interviews and maybe an application first. Also layout any preferences you have for the type of players. Be up front and honest.
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JT "You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."
I'm a long time DM and player. I'm fairly new to roll20 but I do play on there. 5e is still pretty new to me, but I like it so far. I'm always interested in talking to and about strategies for DMing and campaigns.
I'm a player and a DM on Roll20. I wish I could have a group of people who could meet up to play around a table. But the distance is way to much for most of the players. Roll20 so far has been the closest thing to playing at the kitchen table as anything else.
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Illustrator and Dungeon Master.
Currently running a campaign in my home-brewed world of Avaris.
I love Roll20. I spend most of my time there as a player, but do run the occasional one-shot when my DM needs a break. I really like DMing and am planning to run a homebrew campaign on Roll20 sometime this year.
How many Roll20 DM's and Players do we have on here?
I'm a new DM on Roll20 but would interested in hearing just how many players and DM's are there.
JT " You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."
I'm a player, and may I suggest that maybe making this a poll? You'll catch more fish that way, and people will still reply to the topic if they have more than A or B to say.
I am one with the Force. The Force is with me.
I'm a player that has yet to find a roll20 game to play in. LOL
If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, wtf is the road to heaven paved with?
I'm seeing the Ratio of DM's to players and us DM's are sorely out numbered.
Another DM runs a clubhouse that has a couple of longer campaigns and does a few one shots a month.
I was thinking about doing this as well. Sort of Adventure league "ish"
JT " You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."
I'm both DM and a player on Roll20. A DM has to take a break sometime and play.
Crit Happens!
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.
Well, I'm a DM (and occasional player) ... and I have a Roll20 account. Unfortunately I have not yet had the pleasure of combining the two .. :)
Im new to DM and a long-time player IRL/Roll20. I like to do storylines, but I shine when I get to create new content and work with groups.
"Even the MIGHTIEST Oak can be felled by the tempest wind..."
My Roll20 Account
⬐ Just press this little guy right here.
I run both 5E and Cthulhu in Roll20. I also occasionally play but that's quite rare.
I've thought about DMing open games on there. I've never used the tool but it seems like I frequently read about games where people just don't show up. Has anyone found that to be the case? Is it difficult to jump in and DM using their tools?
I think you're more likely to see DMs on this website :P Player mainly, but I've been designing my own campaign for Roll20.... well it's more like a homebrew module, but whatever.
We have had games where people drop at the last minute. It happens.
The basic tools are pretty easy to use and the guides are good for getting started. We use Curse or Discord for voice only and honestly the dice in the chat window is nice. Having the the ease of throwing up a map and info is very handy. I do a lot of theater of the mind stuff but once in awhile I like to take up a level.
If I were you take a close look at it. As a DM there are a ton of players out there to choose from. Do interviews and maybe an application first. Also layout any preferences you have for the type of players. Be up front and honest.
JT " You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."
I DM and play on Roll20, but I mainly DM for people I already know.
I don't want to talk about Earth stuff.
Im a new player, looking for MORE GAMES! GMT TIME LONDON!
I'm a long time DM and player. I'm fairly new to roll20 but I do play on there. 5e is still pretty new to me, but I like it so far. I'm always interested in talking to and about strategies for DMing and campaigns.
I'm a player and GM on roll20! I usually play evenings 7pm - 10pm GMT (UK time).
I'm a player and a DM on Roll20. I wish I could have a group of people who could meet up to play around a table. But the distance is way to much for most of the players. Roll20 so far has been the closest thing to playing at the kitchen table as anything else.
Illustrator and Dungeon Master.
Currently running a campaign in my home-brewed world of Avaris.
I've DMed on Roll20. Not my favourite software to use tbh. Mostly cause I'm bad with technology and doing up maps is a nightmare for me.
Playing on Roll20 has been a good experience. Sadly only got to do that a couple of times, however,
If you love a character, you give them pain, ruin their lives, make them suffer. Maybe even throw in a heroic death.
I love Roll20. I spend most of my time there as a player, but do run the occasional one-shot when my DM needs a break. I really like DMing and am planning to run a homebrew campaign on Roll20 sometime this year.
I've primarily been a player in the Roll20 venue - DnD 3.5e, Shadowrun, and SW Saga.
I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK!
Im.a roll20 player/dm if you need help I'm around