I just wanted to pop on here and let you all know that I currently manager a discord server for the purpose of finding and playing campaigns. There are currently 5 active campaigns and 1 play by post pending. Most of us currently use the Roll20/discord combination to play. Please join us here:
EDIT: The link was accidentally removed from the server. I have updated the link with a new discord server link.
I just wanted to pop on here and let you all know that I currently manager a discord server for the purpose of finding and playing campaigns. There are currently 5 active campaigns and 1 play by post pending. Most of us currently use the Roll20/discord combination to play. Please join us here:
Hello there everyone! I am here now to inform you about our legendary discord server, TheBlueCrest, now with a member count past 540 members strong, built around roleplaying/tabletop games. We have sessions weekly, some that only use it for the voice channel and use other sources for display (Roll20), and some groups that have text-only campaigns. We run full campaigns, series oneshots, and random oneshots every now and then. The only thing we need now, is more people! We’re currently looking for more promising potential staff members, and are accepting applications. I would love to see many more DM's, and more players populate our server. Getting into a campaign, or wanting to get people into one of yours, is very easy. Along with our amazing roleplaying aspect, all the members bond as friends and we have a whole bunch of fun doing it. Come join us!
Greeting all,
I just wanted to pop on here and let you all know that I currently manager a discord server for the purpose of finding and playing campaigns. There are currently 5 active campaigns and 1 play by post pending. Most of us currently use the Roll20/discord combination to play. Please join us here:
EDIT: The link was accidentally removed from the server. I have updated the link with a new discord server link.
But it's just too bad that discord is having a fit right now. The horror! D:
yea it picked a great day to be having server issues. thankfully its all cleared up
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from: all this is my discord server https://discord.gg/52YADGV all wellcome pubg come and enjou :]
Hey I'd love to join the server, but the link has expired!
Here is a new link to the discord server.
Can you post a new server invite. It’s expired.
Hey I want to join but the discord link is expired I’m experience with rp but not with dnd. Please message me with more info
i wanna join but the server links are invalid
Hey I want to join the server but the link is invalid
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We have recently revamped the server to accommodate all tabletop gaming. Please join us on the new server with the link below.
Please see my post below
i tried that link but it's saying that it no longer works
Cactushugger#5985 cannot join bacause the link it is expired
TheBlueCrest - Legendary Questing
Hello there everyone! I am here now to inform you about our legendary discord server, TheBlueCrest, now with a member count past 540 members strong, built around roleplaying/tabletop games. We have sessions weekly, some that only use it for the voice channel and use other sources for display (Roll20), and some groups that have text-only campaigns. We run full campaigns, series oneshots, and random oneshots every now and then. The only thing we need now, is more people! We’re currently looking for more promising potential staff members, and are accepting applications. I would love to see many more DM's, and more players populate our server. Getting into a campaign, or wanting to get people into one of yours, is very easy. Along with our amazing roleplaying aspect, all the members bond as friends and we have a whole bunch of fun doing it. Come join us!
See you there! Adrrian-DM#0840
Hey it wont let me join do I need to do something
Hay can you please post another link